3.1.2 • Published 3 years ago

juice-truffle v3.1.2

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Last release
3 years ago

juice-truffle is a development environment, testing framework and asset pipeline for Juice, aiming to make life as an Juice developer easier. With juice-truffle, you get:

  • Built-in smart contract compilation, linking, deployment and binary management.
  • Automated contract testing with Mocha and Chai.
  • Configurable build pipeline with support for custom build processes.
  • Scriptable deployment & migrations framework.
  • Interactive console for direct contract communication.
  • Instant rebuilding of assets during development.
  • External script runner that executes scripts within a Truffle environment.


  Don't install nodejs with apt, Otherwise, you will meet a lot of permission related issues 

Install nodejs

$ wget https://nodejs.org/download/release/v10.12.0/node-v10.12.0-linux-x64.tar.gz
$ sudo tar -zxvf node-v10.12.0-linux-x64.tar.gz -C /usr/local
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/node-v10.12.0-linux-x64/bin/* /usr/bin/
$ node -v
$ sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/local/node-v10.12.0-linux-x64/bin
$ sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/local/node-v10.12.0-linux-x64/lib/node_modules/

Install juice-truffle

$ npm install -g juice-truffle
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/node-v10.12.0-linux-x64/bin/* /usr/bin/
$ juice-truffle version


If you meeting this problem(Example: connect ECONNREFUSED, May be a problem with github routing, You can try the following method:

.. _Requirements:


  • NodeJS v10.12.0 or later
  • Ubuntu16.04 or later

juice-truffle also requires that you have a running Juice client which supports the standard JSON RPC API (which is nearly all of them). There are many to choose from, and some better than others for development. We'll discuss them in detail in the Choosing an Juice client section.

Quick Usage

For a default set of contracts and tests, run the following within an empty project directory:

$ juice-truffle init

From there, you can run juice-truffle compile, juice-truffle migrate and juice-truffle test to compile your contracts, deploy those contracts to the network, and run their associated unit tests.


Please see the Official juice Truffle Documentation for guides, tips, and examples.
