0.0.4 • Published 8 years ago
juke v0.0.4
File watcher utility that provides interface to change processing behavior during watch session.
Inspired by jest --watch
The dream: A reusable utility that enables engineers to quickly toggle watcher behavior during development.
Run the juke example implementation
$ npm i --save-dev juke
Example Usage
const CLIEngine = require("eslint").CLIEngine;
const formatter = require('eslint/lib/formatters/stylish')
const Juke = require('../../index.js');
const SOURCE_PATHS = [__dirname + '/app/**/*.js'];
const lint = (paths) => {
const cli = new CLIEngine();
const report = cli.executeOnFiles(paths);
const lintAll = lint.bind(null, SOURCE_PATHS);
const lintChanged = (path) => lint([path]);
// instantiate juke
const juke = new Juke(SOURCE_PATHS, lintAll);
// press "o" to lint only files that change
juke.directive('o', lintChanged, 'only lint changed files');
// press "a" to lint all source files
juke.directive('a', lintAll, 'lint all files on file change');