1.0.1 • Published 2 years ago
julie-react-ts-modal v1.0.1
To install, you can use npm, yarn or pnpm.
$ npm install julie-react-ts-modal
$ yarn add julie-react-ts-modal
$ pnpm add julie-react-ts-modal
The basic documentation can be consulted here: Documentation
The documentation contains the description of all the props available for the modal component, and examples of usage.
Here is a simple example of the modal being used in an app.
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'
import { Modal, useModal } from 'julie-react-ts-modal'
import 'julie-react-ts-modal/dist/index.css' // if you are using Next, place this import in your _app.js or _app.ts file.
function App() {
// if you only need one modal, use this hook
const { isOpen, openModal, closeModal, handleEscClose } = useModal()
// if you need more than one modal, you need to use different names for the hooks.
// for example, if you have a confirmation modal and a modal with a form, you can do this:
const {
isOpen: isOpenForm,
openModal: openModalForm,
closeModal: closeModalForm,
handleEscClose: handleEscCloseForm
} = useModal()
const {
isOpen: isOpenConfirm,
openModal: openModalConfirm,
closeModal: closeModalConfirm,
handleEscClose: handleEscCloseConfirm
} = useModal()
return (
<button onClick={() => openModal()}>
{/*in the case of multiple modals, use your custom name for the function:
<button onClick={() => openModalConfirm()}>
<button onClick={() => openModalForm()}>*/}
isOpen={isOpen} {/* use custom name for multiple modals*/}
closeModal={closeModal} {/* use custom name for multiple modals*/}
handleEscClose={handleEscClose} {/* use custom name for multiple modals*/}
modalTitle={"My custom modal"}
textContent={"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"}
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement)
<App />
Several demos of the various features are available here: Modal demos