0.0.1 • Published 11 years ago

junction-stream v0.0.1

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11 years ago


pipe to many destinations, depending on the results of a function.

basically, represent an if statement in terms of a stream.

var junction = require('junction-stream')
  , through = require('through')

var source = through()
  , child_1 = through()
  , child_2 = through()

        , child_2.pipe(blorp)

function write(data, left, right) {
  this.resolve((data > 5) ? left : right)


junction(writefunction, outoforder=false) -> junction stream

create a junction stream. writefunction takes at least 1 arg, as well as the list of child streams. it is called against a subinstance of the junction stream, with a special method, .resolve(stream).

.resolve(stream) makes the stream write the incoming data to the stream given as an argument to resolve.

if outoforder === false (the default), if the child stream the data is written to needs to pause, the parent stream will pause as well.

otherwise, the parent stream will ignore all pause requests from the child streams, though they'll still buffer data until they resume.

if you have to asynchronously decide how to resolve, you should call this.pause() inside the writefunction.

        gary = through()
      , michael = through()
      , busey = through()

function writefunction(data, gary_stream, michael_stream, busey_stream) {
  return this.resolve(left)

junctionStream.pipe(child1, ... childN) -> output

pipe to N children, which will be given as arguments to writefunction (following data).

output.pipe(destination, options) -> destination

works like a normal stream .pipe operation. no matter which child stream emits the data, it'll get emitted to the next step in the chain.
