1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago
jurischain-node v1.0.0
Jurischain Node
A Node extension written in C++ to use the Jurischain solution, which is a proof of work library.
npm install jurischain-node
import Jurischain from 'jurischain-node'
const jurischain = new Jurischain(10, 'simple-seed');
if (jurischain.challengeResponse(req['challenge-response'])) {
// grant
} else {
// deny
The Jurischain class exposes the following API:
constructor(difficult: number, seed: string)
Constructs a new Jurischain instance with the given difficult
and seed
challengeResponse(response: string): boolean
Challenges the response and returns a boolean indicating whether the response is correct.
readChallenge(): string
Reads the challenge and returns it as a string.
solveStep(): boolean
Solves one step of the proof of work and returns a boolean indicating whether the solution is correct.
verify(): boolean
Verifies the proof of work and returns a boolean indicating whether the verification was successful.
3 years ago