justreq v1.0.1
justreq(JR Server)
A caching proxy server for testing interface of HTTP or HTTPS. A never offline testing interface server. A mock server. It can help us to develop offline. It's especially useful for Front-End developers.
- Each request will be cached. It can make us be absorbed in develop whether online or offline.
- Mock server. We can use other file to mock interface, such as JSON, TXT and so on.
- We make an script named JRS, just like PHP. It can mock more flexible interface, and even develop a site.
- Support for ES6, ES7, can develop more efficient.
- Support for CORS(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing), so it can work for Web Front-End.
- No invasive codes, do not inject any code to our project.
Install Node.js first, then run this to install CLI of JUSTREQ
npm install -g justreq-cli
Install main program using:
npm install justreq
To create a configuration file using:
justreq init
After finished, the configuration file ".justreq" will be created at working directory. We can modify it any time. And, we can add comment using JavaScript style.
To start a JR Server using:
justreq start
Then modify our testing interface to JR Server, eg.
// const API_HOST = "https://test.yourhost.com";
const API_HOST = "";
$.get(API_HOST + "/getInfo.do?userId=1001", callback);
Now, all ready, enjoy your coding.
Arguments of CLI
Also, we can run this to clean caches and start JR server
justreq start -c
Or, run this to temporarily proxy other remote not in configuration file
justreq start -h temp.yourhost.com
We can run this to get help
justreq start --help
JR Script
Now, I will introduce our jrs. It's Javascript-based, so we can use it without study any more. Let me show:
// getUser.jrs
var userId = $_GET['userId'];
var users = {
1001 : {name:'Bruce', age: 22},
1002 : {name:'Lily', age: 21}
var user = users[userId];
setCookie('userName', user.name);
We added some necessary global function and properties, except usual of JS.
name | description |
$_GET | An associative object of variables passed to the current script via the URL parameters. |
$_POST | An associative object of variables passed to the current script via the HTTP POST method |
$_COOKIE | An associative object of variables passed to the current script via HTTP Cookies. |
$_HEADER | An associative object of variables passed to the current script via HTTP headers |
$_FILES | An associative object of items uploaded to the current script via the HTTP POST method when using multipart/form-data as the HTTP Content-Type in the request. |
name | description |
echo(string) | Output one string. |
end(string) | To end the current script and output one string. Tips. we must always use this function to finish our script, or it will run until timeout. |
sendFile(filepath) | Output an file and end the script. Using this, we don't have to use "end()". |
setMime(suffix) | Modify mimetype of current script. By default, try using "json", switch to "txt" when failure. Options: txt, html, css, xml, json, js, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, svg. Also, we can use "setHeader()" to customize "Content-Type". |
setCookie(name, value) | Send a cookie. usage: setCookie(name, value [, expires [, path [, domain [, secure , httponly]]]]) |
setHeader(name, value) | Send a HTTP header. But, it can't be sent about "Server" and "Date", they are automatic by JR Server. |
For jrs, we can use any modules from Node.js, because it run in Node.js runtime environment. Such as Faker.js, mockjs and so on. And, we can code with ES6, ES7 also, if Node.js enough new.
For some special interface, we can rule it using:
name | description |
url | The URL of API, not null. Support for RegExp. |
method | The method of API, Optional. Do not filter any method on default. |
ignoreArgs | Some fields can be ignored, such as version stamp "?v=1483884433384", we can using: {"ignoreArgs" : "v"} |
noCache | Not allow caching. Default is allowed. |
subs | Substitution's path. Suggest to use our jrs, or "json", "txt" and so on. |
keepFresh | Always use latest response, unless proxy failed. |
host | Temporarily replace host. |
port | Temporarily replace port. |
rewrite | The URL of be rewritten. |
// .justreq
"rules": [
{ // for default, always try to proxy to keep fresh
"url": ".+",
"keepFresh": true
{ // using RegExp
"url": "user.do\\?id=(\\d+)",
"subs": "user.jrs?userId=$1"
"url": "login.do",
"noCache": true
"url": "getGoodsInfo.do",
"ignoreArgs": "v,token,timestamp"
{ // all api that include 'system' in url will be proxy to another host
"url": "system.+",
"host": "",
"port": "8080"
Sometimes, we need another way to decide whether cache the client request or not. Such as follow case. The post data is encode with base64, but a field is insignificant. If we do not intervene to inspect, JUSTREQ will cache repeat.
// myInsp.js
const querystring = require('querystring');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const base64 = require('base64-utf8');
function md5(str) {
let md5sum = crypto.createHash('md5');
str = md5sum.digest('hex');
return str;
function insp(req, buf) {
let rawData = buf.toString('utf8'); // token=F2F0CF28&encrypt=eyJhcnRpY2xlSWQiOjk5LCJtaXN0IjoiWTJodiJ9
let postData = querystring.parse(rawData); // {token:"F2F0CF28", encrypt:"eyJ..."}
if (postData.encrypt) {
let decodeString = base64.decode(postData.encrypt);
let payload = JSON.parse(decodeString); // {"articleId":99,"mist":"Y2hv"}
let md5Code = md5(req.method + req.url + payload.articleId);
return {needCache: true, cacheId: md5Code}; // need to be cached
} else {
return null; // inspector should skip this request
module.exports = insp; // Must be exported it as node module
And add a configurition to ".justreq"
"inspector": ".jr/myInsp.js"
Standard for "insp.js"
* @param {object} req The req create by client request
* @param {buffer} buf The data from FormData
* @return {json} {needCache: <boolean>, cacheId: <md5>} or null
function insp(req, buf) {
return {needCache: <boolean>, cacheId: <md5>};
module.exports = insp; // Must be exported it as node module
- Expect the value of "cacheId" by return as an md5 code. Recommend
md5(req.method + req.url + bufData)
, to avoid conflict from cache. - To skip inspect, we can just return null.
- To avoid http choke, we can't use any asynchronous code and
name | description |
host | Not null, the hostname of remote interface server. |
port | Optional, the port of remote interface server, default is 80. (Connet interface with HTTPS, if it's 443) |
cacheTime | Optional, the time of caches update. value in "h", "m", "s". Default is "20m". |
cachePath | Optional, cache files directory, default is ".jr/cache". |
substitutePath | Optional, substitution files directory, default is ".jr/subs". |
jrPort | Optional, the port of JR server, default is 8000. |
proxyTimeout | Optional, the timeout of proxy, value in "h", "m", "s", default is "6s". |
proxyHttps | Optional, whether interface server is running on HTTPS or not. Options: "auto", "yes", "no". Default is "auto". |
ssl_ca | Optional, CA(Certificate Authority) path, if interface server is running on HTTPS and need it. |
ssl_key | Optional, the path of private key to use for SSL, if interface server is running on HTTPS and need it. |
ssl_cert | Optional, the path of public x509 certificate to use, if interface server is running on HTTPS and need it. |
onCors | Optional, on CORS(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)? Options: "yes", "no". Default is "yes". |
inspector | Optional, custom respector script for decide whether cache request or not.Expect the return of script as {needCache: <boolean>, cacheId: <md5>} |
rules | Optional, refer to RULES |
There are some demo in "./examples" directory.
Open the directory and open run_examples.cmd
(shell ./run_examples
for Linux) to start JUSTREQ. Also, we can start JUSTREQ using justreq start
Now, we can open any html files to experience.
jrs.html, substitutes.html, upload.html
justreq - github
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