0.2.4 • Published 9 years ago

jvc v0.2.4

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9 years ago

jvc npm version

Node.js jeuxvideo.com API client.


This library is in early beta, and not complete at all. I implemented only the methods I needed, and I'm not going to add support for other methods unless I need them too.

However, I happily accept pull requests; feel free to implement the features you need, and please get in touch with me if you need some advices on how to hack this library.


const jvc = require('jvc')

You can then call all the supported API methods on the jvc object. Some methods will require you to be logged in (like private messages access and forums post), while others will work anonymously.

Also, the jvc object is fully overridable thanks to bind-late. Look the source to see what you can customize!

All code examples that need a connected API will use connectedJvc object, and anonymous methods will just use jvc.

All the code examples assume to be run in an ES7 asynchronous function.


// Need to handle captcha prompts.
const handleCaptcha = async err => {
  if (!err.captcha) {
    throw err

  // Prompt the user to fill given captcha URL.
  const code = await doSomethingWith(err.captcha)

  return await err.retry(code) // Retry request.
    .then(null, handleCaptcha) // Recursively ask for captcha.

const connectedJvc = await jvc.login({ user: 'foo', pass: 'bar' })
  .then(null, handleCaptcha)

// You can then call methods that require connection on `connectedJvc`.

Note: once you have a connectedJvc object, you can find the connection cookie in connectedJvc.user.cookie. If you store it permanently, you can restore it like this:

const connectedJvc = jvc.override({
  user: { cookie: 'the cookie you stored' },

This way you avoid getting the captcha prompt everytime. Though, I have no idea how long the cookie will stay valid. Please tell me if you have more informations about this.

Private messages


// Get first page.
const list = await connectedJvc.pm.list()

// list:
//   count: Number
//   page: Number
//   unread: Number
//   threads:
//     - id: Number
//       subject: String
//       author: String
//       date: Date
//       isRead: Boolean

// Get second page.
const next = await connectedJvc.pm.list({ page: 2 })


// Get the last 5 messages of a thread (ID from previous list).
const thread = await connectedJvc.pm.thread({ id: list.threads[0].id })

// thread:
//   id: Number
//   subject: String
//   members: [String]
//   count: Number
//   next: Number
//   messages:
//     - image: String
//       author: String
//       date: Date
//       post: String

// Get next 10 messages.
const next = await connectedJvc.pm.thread({
  id: list.threads[0].id,
  offset: thread.next,


See the jvc-cli project for a concrete usage example. Or if you just want an interactive demo:

npm install -g jvc-cli
jvc login
jvc pm