1.0.2 • Published 5 years ago

jvss-utils-functions v1.0.2

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5 years ago

Basic functions to Use in Node

This package was create for aux developers in some process like render data on screen or store data in database. This package contains functions like format and deform brazilians documents, format money and some functions with strings like get only numbers, format to pascal case and remove accents.


yarn add jvss-utils-functions
npm install --save jvss-utils-functions

How to Use

Import Package

In JavaScript
const utils = require('jvss-utils-functions');
In TypeScript or Node
import * as utils from 'jvss-utils-functions';


To Format Brazilians Documents (CPF/CNPJ)
const formatCPF = utils.documents.formatDocument('<CPF TO FORMAT>'); 
// CPF:  01234567890 -> 012.345.678-90
const formatCNPJ = utils.documents.formatDocument('<CNPJ TO FORMAT>'); 
// CNPJ:  01234567000189 -> 01.234.567/0001-89
To Deform Brazilians Documents (CPF/CNPJ)
const deformCPF = utils.documents.deformDocument('<CPF TO DEFORM>'); 
// CPF:  012.345.678-90 -> 01234567890
const deformCNPJ = utils.documents.deformDocument('<CNPJ TO DEFORM>'); 
// CNPJ:  01.234.567/0001-89 -> 01234567000189
To Remove Accents of String
utils.strings.removeAccents('<String to remove accents>')
// String:  'Á É é è í ô ã á à ê' -> 'A E e e i o a a a e'
To Keep Only Numbers of String
utils.strings.onlyNumbers('<String to keep only numbers>')
// String:  'ABCDEF123456./-' -> '123456'
To Set String to Pascal Case
utils.strings.toPascalCase('<String to Pascal Case>')
// String:  'john due' -> 'John Due'
To format money
utils.money.formatMoney('<value>', options: Object)

Some Options:

symbol:  Currency symbol to be used
separator: Separator between the number groupings
decimal: Separator between value and decimals
precision: Number of decimal places to store as cents
formatWithSymbol: If is to show symbol on format

** Example **

const params = { 
    symbol: 'R$ ',
    separator: '.',
    decimal: ',',
    precision: 2,
    formatWithSymbol: true

// utils.money.formatMoney('150000', params); -> R$ 150.000,00