1.6.8 • Published 3 years ago

jwtbutler v1.6.8

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Last release
3 years ago

🗝️ jwtbutler 🗝️

jwtbutler is a helper library for setting up a single sign on with jwt in a multi domain environment in no time.


  • works in all js applications
  • renders a simple loginform if needed
  • requires no code changes on the auth server
  • has a fetch helper function for api calls that do all the heavy lifting (e.g. refreshing token, repeating calls) under the hood
  • provides a fallback for clients that have third party cookies disabled
  • includes a timeout for broken connections
  • syncs cookies via iframes through postmessage
  • works also without single sign on
  • full ie11 support
  • full chrome support (SameSite=None)


  • a fully setup jwt auth server (like simpleauth) with the following routes
/loginPOSTemail password--([ 'success' => true, 'message' => 'auth successful', 'public_message' => '...', 'data' => [ 'access_token' => '...', 'expires_in' => 3600, 'user_id' => 42 ] ], 200)
/refreshPOST--Authorization: Bearer token([ 'success' => true, 'message' => 'auth successful', 'public_message' => '...', 'data' => [ 'access_token' => '...', 'expires_in' => 3600, 'user_id' => 42 ] ], 200)
/logoutPOST--Authorization: Bearer token([ 'success' => true, 'message' => 'logout successful', 'public_message' => '...' ], 200)
/checkPOSTaccess_token--([ 'success' => true, 'message' => 'valid token', 'public_message' => '...', 'data' => [ 'expires_in' => 3600, 'user_id' => 42, 'client_id' => 7000000 ] ], 200)
  • 401 response code on bad authentication


install the javascript module:

npm install jwtbutler
import jwtbutler from 'jwtbutler';

you also can embed it in legacy applications like this:

<script src="jwtbutler.js"></script>

now instantiate the object with the basic configuration:

const api = new jwtbutler({
    auth_server: 'http://example-auth-server.local.vielhuber.de',
    auth_login: 'email'

single sign on

if you want to use sso, add all pages to the configuration object:

sso: [

then deploy the helper file sso.html in the root public directories of all pages that use single sign on. don't forget to fill out all origin page domains in line 7. Also make sure to add a valid Content-Security-Policy (for example with the help of a .htaccess file).

custom login dom

if you need a custom login html dom instead of the default one, you also can pass it to the object:

login_form: `
    <div class="login-form">
        <div class="login-form__inner">
            <form class="login-form__form">
                <ul class="login-form__items">
                    <li class="login-form__item">
                        <label class="login-form__label login-form__label--email" for="login-form__label--email">E-Mail-Adresse</label>
                        <input class="login-form__input login-form__input--email" id="login-form__label--email" type="text" required="required" name="email" />
                    <li class="login-form__item">
                        <label class="login-form__label login-form__label--password" for="login-form__label--password">Passwort</label>
                        <input class="login-form__input login-form__input--password" id="login-form__label--password" type="password" required="required" name="password" />
                    <li class="login-form__item">
                        <input class="login-form__submit" type="submit" value="Anmelden" />

if you want to define a special parent container (instead of the body tag), pass a selector:

login_form_parent: '.container';

if you want to call a special callback function after the login form rendered, use this event:

login_form_rendered: dom => {
    dom.querySelector('.login-form__input--email').value = 'foo';
    dom.querySelector('.login-form__input--password').value = 'bar';


// this function
// ...checks if the user is logged in
// ...tries to generate a new token if possible
// ...if nothing works, renders a login form inside document.body
// ...on submit logs the user in on all pages
api.login().then(() => {
    alert('logged in everywhere!');

// check if logged in
if (api.isLoggedIn()) {

// get jwt data

// make ajax calls via fetch
// access tokens are automatically refreshed if needed and the request then is called again
// if the user is not logged in and a new token cannot be generated,
// a login form is rendered and after a succesful login, the request is again repeated
// fetch has the same interface as the official javascript Fetch API
api.fetch('http://example-auth-page2.local.vielhuber.de/protected/', {
    method: 'POST',
    body: JSON.stringify({ foo: 'bar' }),
    cache: 'no-cache',
    headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' }
    .then(res => res.json())
    .catch(err => err)
    .then(response => {

// this function logs out on all pages
api.logout().then(() => {
    alert('logged out everywhere!');


use the following classes to style idle states:

  • html.jwtbutler-logging-in
  • html.jwtbutler-logging-out
  • html.jwtbutler-loading (for logging in and out)
  • html.jwtbutler-fetching
  • html.jwtbutler-login-form-visible

to style the login form, use the class of the main container:

  • .login-form

some basic styling of the login form can look like this:

html.jwtbutler-login-form-visible .login-form {
    position: fixed;
    top: 10%;
    left: 10%;
    bottom: 10%;
    right: 10%;
    background-color: #c0ffee;
    border: 7px solid #f00;
    z-index: 2147483638;

backend validation

you can easily check inside a backend on another page via php, if the provided access token is valid without even contacting the auth server.


composer require firebase/php-jwt


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Firebase\JWT\JWT;

// cors
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, Authorization');

try {
    $user_id = JWT::decode(
        str_replace('Bearer ', '', @$_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']), // access token
        'WM38tprPABEgkldbt2yTAgxf2CGstfr5', // secret key
    echo json_encode([
        'success' => true,
        'data' => [
            'id' => $user_id,
            'foo' => 'bar'
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo json_encode([
        'success' => false,
        'message' => 'unauthorized',
        'public_message' => '...'


RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*)
RewriteRule .* - [e=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]


setup the following vhosts:

and then run the test:

gulp js-test

pseudo code

  • if pageX wants to check if user is logged in on client side (without a backend call)
    • pageX frontend checks if access_token is present in cookie and can be decoded (the token is not validated and it also can be expired)
      • if no, the user is considered to be logged out
      • if yes, the user is considered to be logged in
  • if a logged in user makes an backend/api call on pageX
    • pageX frontend checks if access_token is present in cookie and can be decoded (the token is not validated and it also can be expired)
      • if no, the user is considered to be not logged in
        • see login procedure
        • the call is repeated automatically after a succesful login
      • if yes, the user is considered to be logged in
        • the user sets the access_token in the header ("Bearer")
        • pageX backend validates the access token with the secret key
          • if the validation is ok
            • the backend extracts the user id from the token and uses that to provide data
            • the final response is served to the client
          • if the validation is not ok
            • an error is served to the client
            • the client tries to generate a new token from the old one
              • if that was successful
                • pageX sets cookie for oneself
                • if user has enabled third party cookies
                  • pageX server sets new access token in cookie via iframes for all other pages
                • the call will be repeated automatically
              • if that was not successful
                • see login procedure
                • the call is repeated automatically after a succesful login
  • login procedure
    • pageX frontend verifies the access_token via secret_key via the /check route
      • if available and not expired
        • pageX sets cookie for oneself
        • if user has enabled third party cookies
          • pageX server sets new access token in cookie via iframes for all other pages
      • if available and expired
        • pageX frontend tries to generate a new token from old token via the /refresh route
          • if it worked
            • pageX sets cookie for oneself
            • if user has enabled third party cookies
              • pageX server sets new access token in cookie via iframes for all other pages
          • if it didn't work
            • render login form
      • if not available
        • render login form
  • if the user submits the rendered login form on pageX
    • pageX gets back access token from auth server
    • pageX sets cookie for oneself
    • if user has enabled third party cookies
      • pageX sets cookie via iframes for all other pages
  • if the user calls the logout function on pageX
    • pageX calls auth server to logout (this invalidates the token on the server side)
    • pageX removes cookie for oneself
    • if user has enabled third party cookies
      • pageX removes cookie via iframes for all other pages

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