0.0.9 • Published 9 years ago

k-mailer v0.0.9

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Last release
9 years ago


Node.js NPM package acting as a wrapper around node-email-templates and Nodemailer. Exposes a simple API to create mailer objects and re-use them to send emails.



This module depends on node-email-templates and Nodemailer. Please check the readme for those two to get more information on how to pass the transport object and email templates.


npm install -S k-mailer

Quick Start

  1. Install the module for your respective project:

    npm install -S k-mailer
  2. Follow the guide here to create template directories

  3. Create a new mailer object create mailer object

  4. Invoke the object's send method and pass in an array of options options for send

Create Mailer Object

var mailer = new Mailer({
        templatePath: 'path-to-template-file-relative-to-node_modules-directory',
        templateEngineOptions: {},
        debug: true,
        transport: {
            host: 'smtp host',
            port: 'smtp port',
            auth: {
                    user: 'smtp user',
                    pass: 'smtp pass'

Contact your email provider to know the above credentials. The debug parameter tells k-mailer whether it should output debugging information to the console, it is false by default.

Options For Send

        from: 'foo@k-mailer.com',
        to: 'bar@example.com',
        subject: 'Test mail using k-Mailer',
        locals: {
            heading: 'MWahaha',
            content: 'It works'
        from: 'bar@k-mailer.com',
        to: 'foo@example.com',
        subject: 'Test mail using k-Mailer',
        locals: {
            heading: 'MWahaha',
            content: 'It works too!'

Pass in an array as the first param to be used to send emails to a list of users, pass in the name of the template to be used and a callback for when all emails have been sent. Callback returns a status on successful send.