0.1.0-public-alpha.45 • Published 6 months ago

k-test-1 v0.1.0-public-alpha.45

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Bastion Wallet SDK

Version License


Bastion is a modular, lightweight, and open-source account abstraction SDK designed to simplify the integration of decentralized wallet functionality into your applications. Written in TypeScript and fully ERC4337-compatible, Bastion ensures type safety while abstracting away the complexities of blockchain interactions.

With Bastion, you can provide a seamless multi-chain experience to your users. It allows secure storage of assets from different blockchains like Ethereum, Polygon, Optimism, Arbitrum, Scroll, and Taiko in a unified interface.

Key Features

  • 🌍 Multi-Chain Support: Out-of-the-box support for major Layer 1 and 2 chains. Easily expandable for additional chains.
  • 🎛️ Unified Accounts: Manage accounts and keys across multiple chains using counterfactual addresses.
  • 🛠️ Developer-Friendly: Abstraction of protocol differences means you don't need to be a blockchain expert.
  • 🧩 Modular Design: Swap components like key management and data storage with ease.
  • 🔒 Advanced Features: Built-in support for multi-signature wallets, social recovery, and more.
  • 📦 All-in-One: Handles onboarding, transactions, NFTs, staking, messaging, and more.
  • 🌟 Open Source: Full transparency with the ability to customize, audit, and extend.


Install Bastion Wallet SDK using npm:

npm install bastion-wallet-sdk

Or with yarn:

yarn add bastion-wallet-sdk

Quick Start

Here's a simple example to get you started:

import { Bastion } from 'bastion-wallet-sdk';

const bastion = new Bastion();
const bastionConnect = await bastion.bastionConnect;

const CONFIG = {
	apiKey: <bastion_api_key>
bastionConnect.init(<your_web3Provider>, CONFIG);

For detailed examples on how to use the SDK, check the NextJS Demo App starter template repo.


Check out the comprehensive Documentation for more in-depth tutorials, API references, and more.


We welcome contributions from the community. Please read our Contributing Guide to get started.


Bastion SDK is licensed under the MIT License.


For general questions, you can reach out to us at info@indorse.io.

Build the future of multi-chain crypto applications with Bastion today! 🚀