kad-quasar v2.1.0
Kad Quasar
Distributed publish-subscribe plugin for Kad, based on Quasar.
Quick Start
Install kad-quasar with NPM:
npm install kad-quasar --save
Plugin to your existing Kad project:
const kad = require('kad');
const quasar = require('kad-quasar');
const node = kad({ /* options */ });
node.quasarSubscribe('topic string', (content) => {
node.quasarPublish('topic string', {
some: 'content'
Kad Quasar extends Kad with a publish/subscribe system, enabling different applications to run on the same overlay network.
To do this, Kad Quasar uses the routing table's contact list to build an attenuated bloom filter where each filter in the series contains topics that your node and your neighbors are subscribed to represented in "hops" from your node.
This allows each node to maintain a view of what their neighbors are interested in 3 hops away. Published messages are relayed to neighbors probabilistically based on this knowledge and are appended with negative information to prevent duplication. This forms "gravity wells" in the network around groups who are interested in a given topic and serves to prevent flooding the network while still maintaining a high probability that the message will be delivered to all nodes interested.
Class: QuasarNode(options)
The QuasarNode
class decorates the
class in Kad.
It creates and manages an attenuated bloom filter representing the different
topics to which your neighboring nodes are subscribed.
node.quasarPublish(topic, content)
Publishes a message to your nearest neighbors on the given topic
optional) content
object. Those neighbors, in turn, relay the message to
their neighbors in accordance with their view of the the network.
- (String) identifier for the topiccontent
- (Mixed) additional data describing the publication
node.quasarSubscribe(topic, handler)
Updates our local attenuated bloom filter to reflect our interest in the topic and notifies our neighbors to relay publications matching the topic to us. In turn, our neighbors will provide us with their local bloom filter, so we can do the same.
- (String) identifier for the topichandler
- (Function) receives argumentscontent
with published data
Kad Quasar - Distributed publish-subscribe plugin for Kad
Copyright (C) 2017 Gordon Hall
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
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