1.0.8 • Published 5 days ago

kademlia-table v1.0.8

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5 days ago


XOR distance based routing table used for P2P networks such as a Kademlia DHT.

npm install kademlia-table

An extendable implementation of Kademlia and K-Buckets closely following details set out in the Kademlia DHT paper.


import { KademliaTable } from "kademlia-table";
import { randomBytes } from "node:crypto";

interface Node {
	id: string;
	// ...properties of Node

// Create a new table that stores nodes "close" to the passed in id.
// The id should be uniformily distributed, ie a hash, random bytes etc.
const table = new KademliaTable<'id', Node>(id(), { idKey: 'id' });

// Add a node to the routing table
table.add({ id: id() });

// Get the 20 nodes "closest" to a passed in id
const closest = table.closest(id(), 20);

Extending The Table

The base class is extendable to add custom logic to operations. For example you may want to act on a bucket if it is full when attempting to add a node, such as comparing response times of nodes.

import { KademliaTable } from "kademlia-table";

interface Node {
	id: string;
	// ...properties of Node

class CustomTable extends KademliaTable<'id', Node> {
	add(node: Node): boolean {
		const result = super.add(node);

		if (!result) {
			// Do something if bucket is full and retry
			return this.add(node);

		return true;


table = new KademliaTable(id, [configuration])

Create a new routing table.

id should be a string that is uniformily distributed. configuration includes:

  idKey: 'id' // Key used as id
  encoding?: "utf8" // Encoding of id strings
  bucketSize?: 20 // Max number of nodes in a bucket

bool = table.add(node)

Insert a new node. node[idKey] must be a string of same or shorter length as table[idKey]. When inserting a node the XOR distance between the node and the tableidKey is calculated and used to figure which bucket this node should be inserted into.

Returns true if the node could be added or already exists. Returns false if the bucket is full.

bool = table.has(id)

Returns true if a node exists for the passed in id and false otherwise.

node = table.get(id)

Returns a node or undefined if not found.

i = table.getBucketIndex(id)

Returns a node's corresponding bucket index.

nodes = table.closest(id, [maxNodes])

Returns an array of the closest (in XOR distance) nodes to the passed in id.

This method is normally used in a routing context, i.e. figuring out which nodes in a DHT should store a value based on its id.

true = table.remove(id)

Remove a node using its id.


Returns all nodes from table as an array. Ordered from closest to furthest buckets.


A fixed size array of all buckets in the table.

number = KademliaTable.getDistance(idA, idB, encoding)

Gets the XOR distance between two id strings.

1 | -1 | 0 = compare(idA, idB) = KademliaTable.createCompare(targetId, encoding)

Creates a function for sorting ids based on distance from a target id going from closest to furthest




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