2.0.3 • Published 1 year ago

kafka-express v2.0.3

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1 year ago


A kafka consuming server in the style of Express.js

"kafka consuming server"

Start a server that consumes messages from a kafka server, listening to one or more topics, powered by KafkaJS.

"in the style of Express.js"

Defines the topics you want to listen to as express routes and add middlewares to them, just like you would to an express server.
It uses middlewary


const kafkaExpress = require('kafka-express');

const server = kafkaExpress();

server.use((req, res, next) => {
  console.log('Shared middleware');

server.use('my-test-topic', (req, res, next) => {
  console.log('my-test-topic middleware');

server.use('another-test-topic', (req, res, next) => {
  console.log('another-test-topic first middleware');
}, (req, res, next) => {
  console.log('another-test-topic second middleware');

server.use('test.topic.*', (req, res, next) => {
  console.log('all topics that start by test.topic middleware');

server.use((err, req, res, next) => {
  console.log('Global error middleware');

const clientConf = {
  clientId: 'kafka-express-test',
  brokers: ['localhost:9092'],

const consumerConf = {
  groupId: 'kafka-express-test-consumer',

const fromBeginning = true;

server.listen(clConf, csConf, fromBeginning);

If you are unfamiliar with how express middlewares work, I would suggest you read the Express doc, here is just a reminder that you need to call either "next()" or "res.end()" in each of your middleware.


For obvious reasons the request and reponse objects you receive in your middlewares are different than for a HTTP request:

const {
  app, // The kafka-express running application
  raw, // raw kafka message (KafkaMessage)
  topic, // name of the topic sending the message (string)
  path, // name of the topic sending the message (string)
  kafkaConsumer, // The KafkaJS consumer object in case you to need to interact with it in your handlers (consumer object)
  partition, // partition id (string)
  key, // message key (string)
  value, // message value (string)
  body, // message value converted to JSON if possible (object)
  headers, // message headers if present (object)
  params, // converted params from the topic name if present (object)
  res, // the response object
  next, // the next callback
} = req;

const {
  req, // The request object
  app, // The kafka-express running application
  statusCode, // Status code for the response (default to 200)

  end(), // function to call to end the request-response cycle
  status(), // Sets the status for the response. It is chainable.
} = res;

The response object is an event dispatcher and emits the 'finish' event when the request cycle ends.

The "Topic" object replaces the Router object. Note that you can mount a topic to another topic to create chained topics but only those that have a mounted middleware will be subscribed to the kafka server.

const kafkaExpress = require('kafka-express');

const { Topic } = kafkaExpress;

const server = kafkaExpress();

const testTopic = new Topic('test');
const outTopic = new Topic('out');
const noMiddlewareTopic = new Topic('no');

testTopic.use((req, res) => {
  console.log('hello test');
outTopic.use((req, res) => {
  console.log('hello out');



// defined paths here are ['test', 'test.out']
// defined topics here are [ /^test\/?$/i, /^test\.out\/?$/i ]

You can subscribe to topics using a Regexp and including parameters (i.e 'topic.name.:param'), these parameters will be added to the request object.
You need to be aware that the KafkaJS client will only subscribe to the topics that match your regex AND already exists on the broker. It will not add topics that are created later.
The default separator is "." instead of "/".


The "Application.listen" consumes messages through the "eachMessage" handler and accepts a client configuration for the KafkaJS client and a consumer configuration for the KafkaJS consumer client. You can specify the "fromBeginning" property as a third argument, it defaults to false if not present.
To use the "eachBatch" handler you need to manage the KafkaJS client yourself and use the onMessage function of the application:

const kafkaExpress = require('../src/kafka-express');
const { Kafka } = require('kafkajs');

const server = kafkaExpress();

... add some middlewares here

const kafka = new Kafka(clientConfig);

const consumer = kafka.consumer(consumerConfig);

await consumer.connect();

// server.topics get you all topics that have a middleware, in regex format
await consumer.subscribe({ topics: server.topics, fromBeginning: true });

await consumer.run({
  eachBatch: async (batch) => {
    for (let message of batch.messages) {
      await server.onMessage(consumer, message);

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