1.0.1 • Published 5 years ago

kambria-wallet v1.0.1

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Last release
5 years ago


This module is a build-in zero client node as Metamask. It's supporting most of basic functions such as account management, transacion, contract, ... With some restrictions of browser, the module will serve fully functions in Chrome and partly in the other browsers.


Install node modules

npm install

The structure

The wallet folder contains the main source code.

The src folder contains test files. However, it can be viewed as an example, so to know how to use them, you can refer to src/* for details.

How to build library?

npm run build

How to test?

Unit test

Not yet

UI test

npm test

The app will be run on port 5000 with https, if browser aks something, please trust it and process straight forward.

Notice that it is not supported hot-reloading outside /src, so you should re-run npm test manually for any code chaging.

How to use for production?

Prequisitions (In case, you want to install web3 by yourself)

  • Install web3: Must be 0.20.x verison.
npm install web3@0.20.6
  • Build library (if the dist folder or index.js in root doesn't exist).

npm run build


The dist folder contains all you need for creating your client node.

  • Using the lib by:
import {Metamask, Kammask} from '@kambria/krambria-wallet';

Or copy that, put it somewhere in your project and import it to use. You can refer the examples in the src folder for the detail.


import React, { Component } from 'react';

import {Metamask, Kammask} from '@kambria/krambria-wallet';

const NETWORK = 'rinkeby';
const TYPE = 'softwallet';

const accOpts = {
  mnemonic: 'expand lake',
  password: null,
  path: "m/44'/60'/0'/0",
  i: 0,
  passphrase: 'p@ssphr@se'

class TestKammask extends Component {
  constructor() {

    var self = this;
    this.state = {
      ERROR: null,
      ADDRESS: null,
      BALANCE: 0,
      TXID: 0

    this.kammask = new Kammask(NETWORK, TYPE);

    this.kammask.setAccountByMnemonic(accOpts.mnemonic, accOpts.password, null, 0, accOpts.passphrase);

    this.kammask.web3.eth.getCoinbase(function (er, re) {
      if (er) return self.setState({ ERROR: er.toString() });
      self.setState({ ADDRESS: re })


  confirmUser(callback) {
    var passphrase = window.prompt('Please enter passphrase:');
    if (!passphrase) return console.error('User denied signing transaction');
    return callback();

  getBalance(address) {
    var self = this;
    this.kammask.web3.eth.getBalance(address, function (er, re) {
      if (er) return self.setState({ ERROR: er.toString() });
      return self.setState({ BALANCE: re.toString() });

  sendTx() {
    var self = this;
    this.confirmUser(function () {
          from: self.state.ADDRESS,
          to: '0x0',
          value: 1000000000000000
        }, function (er, txId) {
        if (er) return self.setState({ ERROR: JSON.stringify(er) });
        return self.setState({ TXID: txId.toString() });

  render() {
    return (
        <h1>Kammask testing</h1>
        <p>View console log for details</p>
        <p>Account: {this.state.ADDRESS}</p>
        <p>Balance: {this.state.BALANCE} wei</p>
        <p>Tx id: {this.state.TXID}</p>
        <button onClick={() => this.sendTx()}>Transfer</button>
        {this.state.ERROR ? <p>{this.state.ERROR}</p> : null}

export default TestKammask;


1npm installInstall module packages
2npm run buildBuild javascript libraries
3npm testRun ui test