0.1.0 • Published 9 years ago

karma-cdash-reporter v0.1.0

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Last release
9 years ago


A Karma plugin. Reports results in a CDash compatible format.


The easiest way is to keep karma-cdash-reporter as a dependency in your package.json.

  "dependencies": {
    "karma": "^0.9",
    "karma-cdash-reporter": "^0.1.0"

You can simple do it by:

$ npm install karma-cdash-reporter --save

Configuration in Karma

// karma.conf.js
module.exports = function(config) {

    // reporters configuration
    reporters: ['cdash'],

    cdashReporter: {
      outputFolder: 'results',
      outputFileName: 'cdash-result.xml',
      siteConfig: './gen/cdash-site-config.json'

    plugins: [

outputFolder OPTIONAL

Path to the folder in which the report should be written. Defaults to '.'.

outputFileName OPTIONAL

Name of the file in which the report should be written (in the outputFolder). Defaults to 'cdash-result' + (siteConfig.BuildStamp ? '-' + siteConfig.BuildStamp : '') + '.xml'.

siteConfig MANDATORY Path to a json file defined as follow:

  "site": {
    "BuildName": "...",
    "BuildStamp": "...",
    "Name": "...",
    "Generator": "...",
    "CompilerName": "...",
    "OSName": "...",
    "Hostname": "...",
    "OSRelease": "...",
    "OSVersion": "...",
    "OSPlatform": "...",
    "Is64Bits": "...",
    "VendorString": "...",
    "VendorID": "...",
    "FamilyID": "...",
    "ModelID": "...",
    "ProcessorCacheSize": "...",
    "NumberOfLogicalCPU": "...",
    "NumberOfPhysicalCPU": "...",
    "TotalVirtualMemory": "...",
    "TotalPhysicalMemory": "...",
    "LogicalProcessorsPerPhysical": "...",
    "ProcessorClockFrequency": "..."
  "testConfig": {
    "Path": "...",
    "FullCommandLine": "..."

These are valued that will be entered in your CDash xml document. The important values are:

ValueDescriptionCMake variable (if any)
BuildNameThe name you gave to your buildCTEST_BUILD_NAME
BuildStampThe identifier of this specific buildfile(STRINGS "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/Testing/TAG" KARMA_CTEST_TAG LIMIT_COUNT 1)
If you set a specific track when you called ctest_start, you will have to happen "-YourTrackName"
NameThe name of your build siteCTEST_SITE

Submission to CDash

For some reason you need to send the configure and build reports BEFORE your send the test report. From your ctest script, run

  ctest_submit(PARTS Configure Build) #submit configure and build reports first
  ctest_submit(FILES "Path/to/the/result/file") #submit tests results