0.1.0 • Published 9 years ago

karma-file-correlator v0.1.0

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Last release
9 years ago


A set of Karma plugins to correlate specifications with the files that contain them and a filter to execute only a subset of specifications or files.

The reason for developing this plugin is to be able to correlate failed specifications with files, so as to be able to run only the failed files from a TDD-type build script.

For the time being, it only works with Jasmine; It should not be difficult to bind more testing frameworks. The relevant files are src/framework-jasmine.js and src/browser/browser-jasmine.js.


npm install karma-file-correlator --save-dev

And in Karma configuration:

module.exports = function(config) {
	plugins: [..., 'karma-jasmine', 'karma-file-correlator'],
	frameworks: ['jasmine', 'file-correlator-jasmine'],
	reporters: [..., 'file-correlator-remote'],
	preprocessors: {
		'**/*.spec.js': [..., 'file-correlator']

How it works

There is a browser component and a couple of server-side components. The first component to act is the server-side preprocessor. It processes the source of the specified files (the specs) to add the information about the file that is currently being executed.

Then the browser component records the current file and intercepts Karma's __karma__.result method to add information about the current file in the result object. This information is added in a new property called filecorFilename (a string). This result gets transmitted to the Karma reporters together with the standard result information.

You may develop or extend any Karma reporter to take advantage of this information. Karma-file-correlator comes with a simple reporter, the file-correlator-remote reporter, that sends an object using Node's process.send(). The object has 2 fields, type that is always 'specComplete' (for now) and payload. The payload for the 'specComplete' type contains the following fields:

  • browser: The name of the current browser
  • name: Full name of the specification
  • outcome: A string, 'SKIPPED', 'SUCCESS', or 'FAILURE'
  • filename: The name of the file containing the spec

In the use case that drives the development of this plugin, the build scripts listen to these messages and record failed specs to be re-run in the next TDD cycle.

The Jasmine specFilter

Karma-file-correlator currently replaces the spec filter from karma-jasmine. This means that the grep options will not work. Instead, the filter accepts two whitelists: one for files and one for full spec names. If neither is present (undefined or null), then the filter takes no effect and all specs are executed. The filter reads the specs and files properies of __karma__.config and expects them to be arrays of strings. If either or both are given, then only the specs that are explicitly mentioned in specs or are contained in a file mentioned in files will run.