1.0.1 • Published 10 years ago

karma-jasmine-cucumber v1.0.1

Weekly downloads
Last release
10 years ago


Getting Started

npm install karma-jasmine-cucumber --save-dev

Update karma.conf.js

frameworks: ['jasmine', 'karma-jasmine-cucumber']

Notice that karma-jasmine-cucumber depends on jasmine to come before it.

Check out jasmine-cucumber for more details about the actual api.

Release Notes

##v 1.0.1

  • loosened the version of jasmine-cucumber so that we don't have to release this module to get non-breaking changes

##v 1.0.0

  • updated to depend on jasmine-cucumber 1.0 which gives us jasmine 2.0 support. This was a breaking change due to breaking nature of jasmine 2.0 syntax. Main win was better async support which is now exposed in grunt style syntax
	.given('some step defintion', function(){
		var done = this.async();

To use karma with jasmine 2.0 npm install karma-jasmine@~0.2.0 --save-dev

v 0.3.4

  • supports Jasmine 1.3 syntax


  • Split karma-jasmine-cucumber to jasmine-cucumber so that it can be used with jasmine alone, eg: in protractor.
  • add support for when after then for sequence oriented end to end tests where it doesn't always make sense to start the workflow over again for every assertion