0.8.7 • Published 11 years ago
kartograph-js v0.8.7
Kartograph.js is a JavaScript library that renders SVG maps in web browsers. It is built on top of jQuery and RaphaelJS. Please have a look at the API docs for more details.
Initializing a new map
map = $K.map('#map', 600, 400);
map.loadMap('world.svg', function() {
map.addLayer('countries', {
styles: {
fill: '#ee9900'
title: function(d) {
return d.countryName;
Choropleth maps (aka coloring map polygons based on data):
pop_density = { 'USA': 123455, 'CAN': 232323, ... };
colorscale = new chroma.ColorScale({
colors: chroma.brewer.YlOrRd,
limits: chroma.limits(chroma.analyze(pop_density), 'k-means', 9)
map.getLayer('countries').style('fill', function(data) {
return colorscale.get(pop_density[data.iso]);
Adding symbols is easy, too:
cities = [{ lat: 43, lon: -75, label: 'New York', population: 19465197 }];
data: cities,
location: function(d) {
return [d.lon, d.lat];
type: Kartograph.Bubble,
radius: function(d) {
return Math.sqrt(d.population) * 0.001;
### Author
Kartograph was created by [Gregor Aisch](http://github.com/gka/). It is supported by [Piwik Web Analytics](http://piwik.org) and the [Open Knowledge Foundation](http://okfn.org).
### License
Kartograph.js is licensed under [LGPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt)