0.1.9 • Published 6 years ago

karumanchi v0.1.9

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6 years ago


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Update Rails Controllers.

Guide to run C++ Algos

  • Clone this repo
  • Install MinGW on Windows and g++ on macOS & Unix-like.
  • Compile and run using:
$ "OUTPUT-BINARY-NAME" # on windows cmd (using "")
$ ./OUTPUT-BINARY-NAME # on macOS and Unix-like

Adding following flags in optional and depends on the users thugh are sugegsted to be used while developing-compiling locally:

  • -g - turn on debugging (so GDB gives more friendly output)
  • -Wall - turns on most warnings
  • -O or -O2 - turn on optimizations
  • -o <name> - name of the output file
  • -c - output an object file (.o)
  • -I<include path> - specify an include directory
  • -L<library path> - specify a lib directory
  • -l<library> - link with library lib.a

However, it is suggested that you use first, second, third and fourth (while compiling source files) for best results and local development.

Guide to run JS Algos

  • Install Node
  • Clone this repo
  • Open the package.json file to find the appropriate command under scripts tag.
  • Run in a terminal in following fashion:

# ex: to run stack.js in chapter 4
$ npm run stack

# OR, run directly via node
$ node ch4-stacks/stack.js

NOTE: Langauge formatting done automatically using VS Code IntelliSense. Better suggestions are welcome!

Directory Tree

Generated in Windows 10 using tree /F command in cmd //C tree terminal.

│   .babelrc
│   .editorconfig
│   .eslintrc.json
│   .gitignore
│   .travis.yml
│   CMakeLists.txt
│   headers.h
│   Makefile
│   package-lock.json
│   package.json
│   README.md
│       compile_commands.json
│       c_cpp_properties.json
│       settings.json
│   │   codechef.h
│   │   readme.md
│   │
│   └───arrays
│           CHN15A.cpp
│           CNOTE.cpp
│           COPS.cpp
│           FRGTNLNG.cpp
│           LECANDY.cpp
│           RAINBOWA.cpp
│           SALARY.cpp
│       readme.md
│   │   kway.cpp
│   │   kwaymergesort.h
│   │
│   └───gfg
│           0
│           1
│           2
│           3
│           4
│           5
│           6
│           7
│           8
│           9
│           gfg.cpp
│           input.txt
│           output.txt
│       priority-queue.js
│       queue.js
│       readme.md
│       set.js
│       stack.js
│   │   headers.h
│   │
│   ├───ch1-introduction
│   │       readme.md
│   │
│   ├───ch10-sorting
│   │       bucket.cpp
│   │       check-repeat.cpp
│   │       counting.cpp
│   │       election.cpp
│   │       flagged-bubble.cpp
│   │       insertion.cpp
│   │       max.cpp
│   │       merge.cpp
│   │       mergeAB.cpp
│   │       quick.cpp
│   │       readme.md
│   │       shell.cpp
│   │       sort.h
│   │
│   ├───ch13-symbol-tables
│   │       readme.md
│   │
│   ├───ch14-hashing
│   │       array-matching.cpp
│   │       delete-array.cpp
│   │       find-pairs.cpp
│   │       first-non-repeat.cpp
│   │       first-repeat.cpp
│   │       hash-pairs.cpp
│   │       readme.md
│   │       remove-duplicates.cpp
│   │       seperate-chaining.h
│   │       two-arrays.cpp
│   │
│   ├───ch2-recursion-and-backtracking
│   │       check-sorting-recursion.cpp
│   │       n-ary-strings.cpp
│   │       readme.md
│   │       tower-of-hanoi.cpp
│   │
│   ├───ch3-linked-lists
│   │       cycle.cpp
│   │       fractional-node.cpp
│   │       merge.cpp
│   │       nth-element-from-end.cpp
│   │       pairwise-reverse.cpp
│   │       palindrome.cpp
│   │       readme.md
│   │       reverse-kth.cpp
│   │       reverse-sll.cpp
│   │       sort.cpp
│   │       split-cll.cpp
│   │
│   ├───ch4-stacks
│   │       adjacentBigger.cpp
│   │       adjacentRepeat.cpp
│   │       growth.cpp
│   │       infix-to-postfix.cpp
│   │       postfix.cpp
│   │       readme.md
│   │       reverse.cpp
│   │       span.cpp
│   │       stack.cpp
│   │       symbol-parser.cpp
│   │
│   ├───ch5-queues
│   │       linked-list-queue.cpp
│   │       readme.md
│   │       simple-queue.cpp
│   │
│   ├───ch6-trees
│   │       array2bst.cpp
│   │       bst2dll.cpp
│   │       check-bst.cpp
│   │       count-tree.cpp
│   │       dll2bst.cpp
│   │       expression-tree.cpp
│   │       find-max.cpp
│   │       inorder-sucessor.cpp
│   │       kth-smallest.cpp
│   │       preorder-sucessor.cpp
│   │       ranger.cpp
│   │       readme.md
│   │       readme.txt
│   │       reverse-lca.cpp
│   │       threaded-tree.cpp
│   │       threaded-tree.txt
│   │
│   └───includes
│           cll.h
│           dll.h
│           queue.h
│           sll.h
│           stack.h
│           tree.h
│       commit.js
│       deploy.js
│       index.js
│       push.js
│       sparse-set.cpp
│       sparse-set.h
│       readme.md
│       commit.js
│       deploy.js
│       index.js
│       push.js
│        stl.h


© 2018 Sambhav Jain under GPL-v3.0