0.0.1 • Published 10 years ago

katar-sms v0.0.1

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10 years ago

Katar SMS

Queue server for sending and receiving SMS.

The library does not do any analysis around whether an SMS is in response to a previous SMS, it simply emits an event when an SMS is received.


var katarSms = require('./katar-sms');
var smsQueue = katarSms();

// send a new sms
co(function *() {
	return yield smsQueue.send({
		to: '+61404341143',
		msg: 'this is an sms'
})(function(err, id) {
	console.log('sms id: %s', id);

// listen for sms sent event
smsQueue.on('sent', function(sms) {
	console.log('Id - %s, To - %s, Msg - %s', sms._id, sms.to, sms.msg);

Since sms queue extends a katar queue instance, all of the original events are still emitted on the smsQueue.

// emitted if sending the sms failed
smsQueue.on('failed', function(task) {
	var sms = task.data;
	console.log('%s: failed to send msg to %s', sms._id, sms.to);

// emitted if an sms is sent
smsQueue.on('done', function(task) {
	var sms = task.data;
	console.log('%s: sent msg to %s', sms._id, sms.to);

Incoming SMS

The sms queue also provides a mechanism for clients to notify the sms queue when an incoming sms is received.

// add an event handler for processing received sms
smsQueue.on('sms', function(sms) {
	console.log('%s sent msg: %s', sms.from, sms.msg);


Clients can be implemented in any language or platform as long as they implement the HTTP API. The HTTP API for SMS queue is the same as a katar HTTP worker. The only addition to the HTTP worker API is a /receive route appended to the queue path.

Consider the following sms queue:

var katar = require('katar')();
var queue = katar.queue('sms');
var katarSms = require('katar-sms');
var smsQueue = katarSms({
	katar: katar,
	queue: queue,
	port: 3000,
	ip: ''

Poll for queued SMS to be sent

A sample request is shown below. See Poll for next queued task for more details.


POST /v1/queue/sms



	tasks: [{ _id: 1, data: { to: '0404123456', msg: 'msg to be sent' }]

Mark SMS as sent

A sample request is shown below. See Mark task/tasks as done for more details.


POST /v1/queue/sms

	tasks: [
		{ _id: 'abc', status: 'done' },
		{ _id: 'def', status: 'failed', error: 'some error' }


See Mark task/tasks as done.

Received SMS

To notify the server of SMS received by the worker agent, send a POST request to /v1/queue/:queue/receive.


POST /v1/queue/sms/receive

	sms: { from: '0404123456', msg: 'msg received' }


The server sends a 204 No Content status code if there were no errors.