1.1.2 • Published 5 years ago

kauriidjs v1.1.2

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Last release
5 years ago


A Javascript library of tools to support working with the KauriID data structures and protocals.



  1. Download latest release, place the kauriid.js file somewhere acessable to your webserver
  2. Drop a script tag in your HTML (to the path you specified in the previous step)
<script src="scripts/kauriid.js">

Node or Webpack

  1. Install package.
npm install kauriidjs
  1. Import it in your code.
import * as kauriId from 'kauriidjs';


Send a Response to a Request

import { sendResponse } from 'kauriidjs';
// Create a claims object
const claims = {
  address: {
    addressCountry: "Narnia",
    postalCode: "0000",
    streetAddress: "123 Fake Street"
  dateOfBirth: "1970-01-01",
  email: "steve@fakename.com",
  name: "Steve Fakename"

// send the Response
const responsePromise = sendResponse(
      "xxxxx.yyyyyy.zzzzzz", // The original Request JWT
      "http://fake.notreal.com/imaginary", // The URL to send the reesponse to, likly the message service
      claims, // The claims object
      1 // Time to live, how long the response should be valid

Creating a signed JWT

Creating a JWT signed using Ed25519.

import { createJWT } from 'kauriidjs';

const payload = {
    "foo": "bar",
    "answer": 42,
// Any extra headers to add to the JWT
const extraHeader = { "author": "Mischa" }

// key must be a Base64URL encoded String representation of the secret value (called d) of a Ed25519 keypair;
const key = "aRx7IhkeN6u77hCepIXssdZ3up0rt1Dybj_EOZ8CVhM";

let JWT = createJWT(payload, key, extraHeader);

// JWT = "Header"."Payload"."Signature"

Opening (and verifying) a JWT

Verify and Open a JWT using Ed25519. Will Error if the JWT is malformed, or cannot be verified.

import {openJWT} from 'kauriidjs';

// Public key is an object containing x coordinate from a Ed255191 key, each encoded as Base64URL strings
let publicKey =  {
    'x': 'XNnLyemoMMF54lp-gNsqGtz1g_KInfAyasHQEHgSjIs'

let JWT = "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJhYmMiOiIxMjMiLCJmb28iOiJiYXIifQ.BaLPsexMidcbiLPikz79aPlnPnyZCtLrKbETPQxbKcWr-9EMuYcC8yhOlbwPhEZU1EvRno7iu271MuSiwdvViA";

let openedJWT = openJWT(JWT, publicKey)
// openedJWT = {
//    header: object,
//    payload: object,

Creating a ClaimSet

import { ClaimSetKeys } from 'kauriidjs';

const myName = {
    "@context": "http://schema.org",
    "@type": "Person",
    "familyName": "Potter",
    "givenName": "Harry"

const memberof = {
    "@context": "http://schema.org",
    "@type": "Person",
    memberOf: {
        "@type": "Organization"
        "name": "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry",
        "department": {
            "@type": "Organization",
            "name": "Gryffindor House"

// Create a claimset and add some claims
// Each claim will be encrypted, salted and hashed, and stores, with their keys, on the object.
const myClaimSet = new ClaimSetKeys();
await myClaimSet.add(myName);
await myClaimSet.add(memberof);

// Set Signing and Object keys, to allow us to sign and encrypt the Claimset
// Signing key must be a Ed25519 key
myClaimset.signingKey = {d: "aRx7IhkeN6u77hCepIXssdZ3up0rt1Dybj_EOZ8CVhM"}
// Object key must be a native WebCryptoAPI CryptoKey object, with Encrypt and Decrypt KeyOps
const jwk = { alg: "A256GCM",
              ext: true,
              k: "4DV36GqbzLaJ4kaP50zmcyy9NjBPOhhySejSJjhsKII",
              key_ops: ["encrypt, decrypt"],
              kty: "oct"
myClaimSet.objectKey = await window.crypto.subtle.importKey("jwk",jwk,"AES-GCM",true,["encrypt", "decrypt"]);

//Now we can finalise our Claimset
const finalised = await myClaimSet.finaliseClaimSet();
// finalised should now be a very large looking JWE string.
// Hooray!

Displaying a login QR Code

import { createQrForRequest } from 'kauriidjs';

const payload = 'This should be a valid JWT returned by SingleSource Request Service';
// A canvas DOM element
const canvas = window.document.body.getElementsByTagName('canvas');
// Size is optional, defaults to a 500 pixels square.
const size = 600;
createQrForRequest(payload, canvas, size);

5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago