0.0.2 • Published 9 years ago

kdf-dom-operations v0.0.2

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Last release
9 years ago

This package is a part of the KDFramework that handles the conversion from KDDom tree and regular DOM Element.


This is a collection of diff-patch operations that work efficiently on KDDom view trees.

This package exports the following:

  • KDDomPatch is a object type to represent a patch operation that can be applied to a DOM Element.
  • KDDomDiff is a utility class that holds functions for creating a queue of KDDomPatch operations.
  • KDDomPatcher acts as a bridge to automatically convert KDDom tree to a regular DOM element. It utilizes vdom/patch-op. It automatically manages the state for you.
  • createElement is a function that you can manually use to create the initial representation of the KDDom tree as a normal DOM element.


We needed a performant way to do diff calculations between the various possible states of a KDDom tree. After some research we saw that virtual-dom does exactly what we want but, it uses its own DOM node interface VNode to achieve this. So we applied the virtual-dom diff algorithm to our own KDViewNode dom node interface and created KDDomDiff, which utilizes the same algorithm for diffing but in a more KDFramework fashion. Additionally, it directly utilizes virtual-dom patch operations when possible, with the fallback to our own wrappers. Thanks to all of the contributors for their awesome work on virtual-dom.


{ KDDomPatcher, createElement } = require 'kdf-dom-operations'
{ KDViewNode } = require 'kdf-dom'

count = 0

# create a view that represents <div>#{count}</div>
view = new KDViewNode { partial: count }

# create dom element and append it to body.
domNode = createElement view
document.body.appendChild domNode

# setup a patcher to handle diff/patch
# operations for you.
patcher = new KDDomPatcher { node: view }

# setup the update logic.
setInterval ->

  count += 1

  next = new KDViewNode { partial: count }

  # tell patcher to
  # render next state.
  patcher.render next

, 500

More API references will be added here for individual classes. Documentation is WIP.


npm install kdf-dom-operations