0.12.5 • Published 1 year ago

kdu-demi v0.12.5

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Last release
1 year ago

Kdu Demi


Install this as your plugin's dependency:

npm i kdu-demi
# or
yarn add kdu-demi

Add kdu and @kdujs/composition-api to your plugin's peer dependencies to specify what versions you support.

  "dependencies": {
    "kdu-demi": "latest"
  "peerDependencies": {
    "@kdujs/composition-api": "^1.1.0-rc.0",
    "kdu": "^2.0.0 || >=3.0.0"
  "peerDependenciesMeta": {
    "@kdujs/composition-api": {
      "optional": true
  "devDependencies": {
    "kdu": "^3.0.0" // or "^2.6.0" base on your preferred working environment

Import everything related to Kdu from it, it will redirect to kdu@2 + @kdujs/composition-api or kdu@3 based on users' environments.

import { ref, reactive, defineComponent } from 'kdu-demi'

Publish your plugin and all is done!

When using with Wite, you will need to opt-out the pre-bundling to get kdu-demi work properly by

// wite.config.js
export default defineConfig({
  optimizeDeps: {
    exclude: ['kdu-demi']

Extra APIs

kdu Demi provides extra APIs to help distinguish users' environments and to do some version-specific logic.

isKdu2 isKdu3

import { isKdu2, isKdu3 } from 'kdu-demi'

if (isKdu2) {
  // Kdu 2 only
} else {
  // Kdu 3 only


To avoid bringing in all the tree-shakable modules, we provide a Kdu2 export to support access to Kdu 2's global API.

import { Kdu2 } from 'kdu-demi'

if (Kdu2) {


Composition API in Kdu 2 is provided as a plugin and needs to be installed on the Kdu instance before using. Normally, kdu-demi will try to install it automatically. For some usages where you might need to ensure the plugin gets installed correctly, the install() API is exposed to as a safe version of Kdu.use(CompositionAPI). install() in the Kdu 3 environment will be an empty function (no-op).

import { install } from 'kdu-demi'



Manually Switch Versions

To explicitly switch the redirecting version, you can use these commands in your project's root.

npx kdu-demi-switch 2
# or
npx kdu-demi-switch 3

Package Aliasing

If you would like to import kdu under an alias, you can use the following command

npx kdu-demi-switch 2 kdu2
# or
npx kdu-demi-switch 3 kdu3

Then kdu-demi will redirect APIs from the alias name you specified, for example:

import * as Kdu from 'kdu3'

var isKdu2 = false
var isKdu3 = true
var Kdu2 = undefined

export * from 'kdu3'
export {

Auto Fix

If the postinstall hook doesn't get triggered or you have updated the Kdu version, try to run the following command to resolve the redirecting.

npx kdu-demi-fix


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