0.3.4-a3 • Published 5 months ago

keplergl-jupyter v0.3.4-a3

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Last release
5 months ago


This is a simple jupyter widget for kepler.gl, an advanced geospatial visualization tool, to render large-scale interactive maps.

Package Install


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Local Dev

Local Dev Installation for Classic Notebook

To develop this package against the classic notebook, run:

  • pip install -e . (installs python package for development, runs npm install and npm run build)
  • jupyter nbextension install --py --symlink --sys-prefix keplergl\ (symlinks static/ directory into <jupyter path>/nbextensions/keplergl/). Now the notebook has access to the frontend code.
  • jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix keplergl\ (copies <npm_package_name>.json into <environment path>/etc/jupyter/nbconfig/notebook.d/ directory). Now the notebook will load your frontend code on page load.

Now make some changes to your source code. Then:

  • After making Python code changes, restarting the notebook kernel will be enough to reflect changes
  • After making JavaScript code changes:
    • cd js
    • npm run build
    • Refresh browser to reflect changes

Local Dev Installation for JupyterLab

To develop this package against JupyterLab, run:

  • pip install -e . (installs python package for development, runs npm install and npm run build)
  • jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager: this install lab widgets manager.
  • jupyter labextension install js: this installs the current labextension into JupyterLab and enables it.
  • jupyter lab --watch starts JupyterLab, but in --watch mode: it will rebuild itself incrementally if it detects changes.

Now make some changes to your source code. Then:

  • After making Python code changes, restarting the notebook kernel will be enough to reflect changes
  • After making JavaScript code changes:

    • cd js
    • npm run build:lab
    • Refresh browser to reflect changes
  • By default, the application will load from the JupyterLab staging directory (default is /share/jupyter/lab/staging. Check the correct version of @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager and @jupyter-widgets/base is install in yarn.lock

JupyterLab widget Dependencies

Install correct version of jupyterlab-manager based on your Jupyter Lab version. Make sure @jupyter-widgets/base version in the widget does not conflict with requirements in jupyterlab-manager.