0.1.2 • Published 2 years ago

key-did-provider-secp256k1-with-lit v0.1.2

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(Apache-2.0 OR MI...
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2 years ago

secp256k1 key did provider with Lit Actions x PKP powered by Lit Protocol

This is a DID provider which integrated Lit Actions x PKP powered by Lit Protocol for did:key using secp256k1. It does not support encryption / JWE. It's a fork from symfoni/key-did-provider-secp256k1 and was designed to be used with Ceramic Network.

What it does?

  • Instead of manually providing a PUBLIC_KEY to get the DID (decentralised identifier), this SDK gets the PUBLIC_KEY from the PKP NFT

  • The DID that we got is then passed into a resolver, which would allow us to run methods such as did.authenticate().

  • To authenticate, instead of providing a PRIVATE_KEY to sign a message to verify the signature from the signed message matches the corresponding PUBLIC_KEY, we will ask the Lit nodes, who hold the PRIVATE_KEY collectively of the PKP NFT, to execute some static Javascript code that is hosted on IPFS and use the output signature to verify.

  • So now that PKP NFT owns the decentralised identifier DID, we can use this DID in Ceramic to read & write stream that only this PKP NFT owner can do.


yarn add key-did-provider-secp256k1-with-lit


import {
} from "key-did-provider-secp256k1-with-lit";

import { CeramicClient } from "@ceramicnetwork/http-client";
import { TileDocument } from "@ceramicnetwork/stream-tile";
import { getResolver } from "key-did-resolver";
import { DID } from "dids";

const ceramic = new CeramicClient("https://ceramic-clay.3boxlabs.com");

const PKP_PUBLIC_KEY = "30eceb963993d467ca197f3fd9fe3073b8b224ac2c9068d9a9caafcd5e20cf983";

// -- get your encode did with your PKP public key
const encodedDID = await encodeDIDWithLit(PKP_PUBLIC_KEY);

// -- static lit action code hosted on https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmYrfiMf6TDuU3NiTbZANiELNBCyn2f66Zok3gEuzRTYmL
const provider = new Secp256k1ProviderWithLit({
  did: encodedDID,
  ipfsId: "QmYrfiMf6TDuU3NiTbZANiELNBCyn2f66Zok3gEuzRTYmL",

const did = new DID({ provider, resolver: getResolver() });

// -- authenticate
await did.authenticate();
ceramic.did = did;
console.log("DID:", did);

// -- write to ceramic stream
const doc = await TileDocument.create(ceramic, "Hola hola ¿Cómo estás?");
console.log("Doc/StreamID:", doc.id.toString());

// -- read a ceramic stream
var loadDoc = await TileDocument.load(ceramic, doc.id.toString());
console.log("Specific doc:", loadDoc.content);


Apache-2.0 OR MIT