0.0.5 • Published 8 years ago

keyword-analyzer v0.0.5

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8 years ago

Keyword Analyzer

A nodejs module for discovering keywords for a given text input.


The keyword analyzer tool allows you to find what keywords are most prevalent for a given input of text and allows you to specify options for configuring it to your needs. A basic example below shows you how it functions.

var keyword-analyzer = require('keyword-analyzer')

keyword-analyzer.wrest('bar bar bar foo foo foo foo'); // ["foo", "bar"]


npm install --save keyword-analyzer


.wrest(string, options)

You can supply several options to configure how you want to find keywords.

Option: limit - .wrest(string,{ limit : int })

This specifies the max keyword results you want to be returned in the array. Defaults to all.

Option: frequency - .wrest(string,{ frequency : bool })

This determines whether or not the keywords will be returned with the number of times used in the text. Defaults to false.

Returned array will look like this: [{foo:3, bar:2}]

Option: min - .wrest(string,{ min : int })

The minimum times a word should be found in text to be returned. Defaults to 2.

Option: stopWords - .wrest(string,{ stopWords : arr })

A way to add additional stopwords to check against.

Option: nWords - .wrest(string,{ nWords : int })

Number of words to count as one keyword. A way to check phrases.
