1.1.0 • Published 6 years ago

kinguin-api v1.1.0

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6 years ago

KINGUIN Integration API

KINGUIN integration api using :


This API is create by using offical documentation (https://www.kinguin.net/integration/)

All requests to KINGUIN API are made by using axios library. In response you are getting Promise and when Promise resolve you are getting Axios object (https://github.com/axios/axios#response-schema)


The best usage example is documentation from kinguin.

This library just implements available resources and don't wraps responses in any kind.

API Connection

Class constructor accepts two parameters. First parameter is api key and the second is boolean value representing type of connection (prod = true, sandbox = false).

 import Kinguin from 'kinguin-api';
 const api = new Kinguin(api_key, true);

Get product list

api.getProductList(filter).then( (response) => {
    // response is Axios object (response.data is answer from kinguin)

Filter is just optional object with informations about filtering. Every option is optional and not required.

    page : [number],
    limit : [number],
    name : [string],
    sortBy : ["price"],
    sortType : ["ASC" | "DESC"],
    priceFrom : [number],
    priceTo : [number]

Get product details (price and stock) by id

api.getProductDetails(kinguinId).then( (response) => {
    // response is Axios object (response.data is answer from kinguin)

Place order

api.placeOrder(products).then( (response) => {
    // response is Axios object (response.data is answer from kinguin)

Products object is array with the items you want to buy.

            kinguinId: [number],
            qty: [number],
            name: [string],
            price: [number],

Get dispatch id

api.getDispatchID(orderId).then( (response) => {
    // response is Axios object (response.data is answer from kinguin)

Get the key

api.getKey(dispatchId).then( (response) => {
    // response is Axios object (response.data is answer from kinguin)