1.0.5 • Published 2 years ago
kissdb v1.0.5
A JSON database with functions similar to mongoose / prisma. View more examples here
import KissDB from "kissdb";
export const kissdb = new KissDB({
path: `./data/`,
http: {
active: true/false,
port: 1510,
preload: (p) => {} // port
keys: ["string", "array", "for", "pika-id"]
// */*.ts
import { Model, $default } from "kissdb";
export interface UserProps {
userId: string;
createdAt: number;
export default userModel = new Model<UserProps>("USER" /* inserted data on create eg */, {
userId: $default(),
createdAt: Date.now()
Fetching, Updating, Creating Data
// */*.ts
import userModel from "path_to_model.ts";
// Create
userId: "hello_world",
createdAt: Date.now()
// Finding
const f = userModel.find({
where: {
userId: "hello_world"
}) // Finds all matches
const ff = userModel.findFirst({
where: {
userId: "hello_world"
}) // Finds first matche
// Updating
const u = userModel.update({
where: {
userId: "hello_world"
}, {
userId: "updated_hello_world"
// Remove Data
const r = userModel.remove({
where: {
userId: "updated_hello_world"
// Delete Model
const d = userModel.delete();