0.1.10 • Published 1 year ago

kit-infrastructure v0.1.10

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1 year ago

Kubernetes Iteration Toolkit Infrastructure


The Kubernetes Iteration Toolkit (KIT) infrastructure is a Cloud Development Kit (CDK) application that stands up the base infrastructure to test in a Kubernetes-native manner. The K8s components installed directly within the CDK application are for ease of bootstrapping and applying IAM permissions. All other components are able to be installed via Flux resources.


KIT Infrastructure creates a base K8s cluster with below add-ons by default but also provides an ability to not install some of these addons optionally through CDK context. Add-ons include permissions scoped to the pod using IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA).

  • EKS Cluster (host cluster)
  • EKS Managed Node Group (for critical add-ons mentioned below)
  • EBS CSI Driver (optional)
  • AWS Load Balancer Controller
  • Karpenter (optional)
  • Flux v2
  • Kubernetes Iteration Toolkit (KIT) Operator (optional)

Flux is setup, by deafult, to monitor the KIT git repo path ./infrastructure/k8s-config/clusters/kit-infrastructure, which includes other add-ons that do not require AWS credentials such as tekton, prometheus, grafana, the metrics-server and perf dash.

Perf Dash

Perf dash is an optional addon and disabled by default.

To bring it up, there are a few places you need to ensure they are wired correctly.

  • A k8s service account named perfdash-log-fetcher is expected and has the permissions to fetch the logs from the s3 bucket.
  • A ConfigMap containing the target S3 bucket name that hosts the log and the jobs config for perf dash must be created so that it can be mounted as volume in the Deployment. An example configmap can be:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: perfdash-config
  namespace: perfdash
    app.kubernetes.io/name: perfdash
    app.kubernetes.io/component: config
    app.kubernetes.io/part-of: perfdash
  PERFDASH_LOG_BUCKET: my-bucket-name
  jobs.yaml: |
      - name: "kit-eks-1k"
          - "perfDashPrefix: 1K test"
          - "perfDashJobType: performance"
      - name: "kit-eks-2k"
        - "perfDashPrefix: 2k test"
        - "perfDashJobType: performance"
  • The logs for different runs in the bucket should have the layout like the following:
├── kit-eks-1k # note: this should match the name in perf dash config.
│   ├── 123
│   │   └── cl2-logs
│   └── 124
│       └── cl2-logs
└── kit-eks-2k # note: this should match the name in perf dash config.
    ├── 125
    │   └── cl2-logs
    └── 126
        └── cl2-logs

Getting Started:

To launch the KIT infrastructure, ensure you have the following installed:

By default, the CDK application will wire up a Flux config that will monitor for k8s manifests within the KIT repo at infrastructure/k8s-config/clusters/kit-infrastructure. The parameters supplied to the CDK app will allow you to wire up your own application's repo so that you can place tekton test files and other cluster components there.

As an example, below are the parameters used for the Karpenter project.

cdk bootstrap
cdk deploy KITInfrastructure --no-rollback \
 -c TestFluxRepoName="karpenter" \
 -c TestFluxRepoURL="https://github.com/aws/karpenter" \
 -c TestFluxRepoBranch="main" \
 -c TestFluxRepoPath="./test/infrastructure/clusters/test-infra" \
 -c TestNamespace="karpenter-tests" \
 -c TestServiceAccount="karpenter-tests"

As an example, below are the parmeters used if you want to selectively enable some addons like perfdash and disable some addons like Karpenter, EBSCSIDriver, KIT.

cdk bootstrap
cdk deploy KITInfrastructure --no-rollback \
  -c TestNamespace="tekton-pipelines" \
  -c TestServiceAccount="tekton-pipelines-executor" \
  -c AWSEBSCSIDriverAddon=false \
  -c KarpenterAddon=false \
  -c KITAddon=false \
  -c FluxAddonPaths="./test/infrastructure/clusters/addons/perfdash"

Dependent IAM policies:

The application is caching IAM policies of two components as static files in lib/addons/cached/:

  • aws-load-balancer-controller
  • aws-ebs-csi-driver

These IAM policies are pinned to a version and downloaded form Github. When the version of these components change in an upgrade, the cache needs to be updated by modifying the version values in cache-iam-policies.sh and executing file.

Context Parameters:

Context ParamDescriptionDefault
FluxRepoURLFlux Source git repo URL to synchronize KIT infrastructure like Tektonhttps://github.com/awslabs/kubernetes-iteration-toolkit
FluxRepoBranchFlux Source git repo branch to synchronize KIT infrastructuremain
FluxRepoPathFlux Source git repo path to Kubernetes resources./infrastructure/k8s-config/clusters/kit-infrastructure
FluxAddonPathsFlux Source git repo paths (separted by comma) to Kubernetes addons.
TestFluxRepoNameFlux Source git repo name to synchronize application tests like Tekton Tasks and Pipelines
TestFluxRepoURLFlux Source git repo URL to synchronize application tests
TestFluxRepoBranchFlux Source git repo branch to synchronize application tests
TestFluxRepoPathFlux Source git repo path to Kubernetes resources
TestNamespaceNamespace for application tests to run in
TestServiceAccountService Account for application tests to run with
KITAddonKIT CRD addon that gets installed on KIT Infrastructure by defaulttrue
KarpenterAddonKarpenter CRD addon that gets installed on KIT Infrastructure by defaulttrue
AWSEBSCSIDriverAddonAWSEBSCSIDriver CRD addon that gets installed on KIT Infrastructure by defaulttrue