0.1.8 • Published 6 years ago

kitimat v0.1.8

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Last release
6 years ago


Kitimat is a library for generative, property-based testing in TypeScript.

  • Easy to use: Integrates directly into Jest with zero additional configuration.

  • Asynchronous: Kitimat supports async/await, Promises and done() out of the box.

  • Statically typed: Using TypeScript under the hood, Kitimat generators are kept in sync with your application code.

A quick example

A unit test typically validates that a system - e.g. a function - will assert something given a specific set of inputs. This specificity is usually sufficient for small systems; however, as the system increases in complexity it usually means that enumerating all possible test cases becomes an impossible task. Instead, generating test cases should be left up to a computer. A developer derives generalizable properties that the system will hold for any input of a given type. The computer should verify these properties by running them against hundreds or thousands of input cases. This is the essence of generative, property-based testing.

// my-sort.test.ts

import { check, integer, array } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { sort } from './my-sort';

it('sorts some numbers', () => {
  const sorted = sort([6, 1, 2]);
  expect(sorted).toEqual([1, 2, 6]);

check('length does not change', [array(integer())], arr => {
  const sorted = sort(arr);

check('idempotent', [array(integer())], arr => {
  const once = sort(arr);
  const twice = sort(sort(arr));

check('ordered', [array(integer())], arr => {
  const sorted = sort(arr);

  for (let i = 0; i < sorted.length; i++) {
    const prev = sorted[i];
    const next = sorted[i + 1];


You can install Kitimat on its own, but it is recommend that you use it with Jest.

yarn install kitimat kitimat-jest jest --dev


Kitimat uses cosmiconfig so you can put your configuration in a .kitimatrc, kitimat.config.js or the key "kitimat" in your package.json. These values can be overridden on a test-by-test basis (see API reference).

maxNumTests: number = 100

The number of test cases generated for each property. Defaults to 100.

seed: number = Date.now()

The seed for generating pseudo-random values. If the seed is set to a constant value, then the same pseudo-random values will be generated for every run; otherwise, Kitimat will use Date.now().

This value can be overridden by using the environment variable KITIMAT_SEED.

timeout: number = 5000

Jest only. The number of milliseconds for a single property before Jest triggers a timeout error.

API Reference

check(description: string, fuzzers: Fuzzer[], callback: Function, options: Options): void

A light wrapper around Jest it, but accepts a list of Fuzzers and generates values, passing them into the it callback.

import { check, boolean, integer, string } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

check('something', [boolean(), integer(), string()], (bool, int, str) => {
  expect(typeof bool).toEqual('boolean');
  expect(typeof int).toEqual('number');
  expect(typeof str).toEqual('string');

 * Use async/await with same behavior as Jest it.
check('something async', [boolean()], async bool => {
  const result = await someFunc(bool);

 * Use done with same behavior as Jest it.
check('something async with done', [boolean()], async (bool, done) => {
  someFunc(bool).then(result => {

 * Same behavior as Jest it. This test will be skipped.
check.skip('skip something', [boolean()], bool => {
  // ...

 * Same behavior as Jest it. This is the only test in the suite that will run.
check.only('only run this thing', [string()], str => {
  // ...

exists(description: string, fuzzers: Fuzzer[], callback: Function, options: Options): void

A light wrapper around Jest it, but accepts a list of Fuzzers and generates values, passing them into the it callback. Similar to check except that it completes on the first successful test case. exists fails if it does not find a successful test case after the configured number of test cases.

import { exists, boolean } from 'kitimat-jest';

exists('something async', [boolean()], async bool => {

boolean(): Fuzzer<boolean>

Creates a boolean Fuzzer.

import { check, Fuzzer, boolean } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

const fuzzer: Fuzzer<boolean> = boolean();

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {
  expect(typeof val).toEqual('boolean');


constant<A>(val: A): Fuzzer<A>

Wraps a constant value in a Fuzzer.

import { check, Fuzzer, constant } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

const fuzzer: Fuzzer<string> = constant('my string');

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {
  expect(val).toEqual('my string');


number(opts?: { minSize?: number, maxSize?: number }): Fuzzer<number>

Creates an number Fuzzer.

import { check, Fuzzer, number } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

const fuzzer: Fuzzer<number> = number();

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {
  expect(typeof val).toEqual('number');


posNumber(opts?: { maxSize?: number }): Fuzzer<number>

Creates an number Fuzzer of positive values.

import { check, Fuzzer, posNumber } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

const fuzzer: Fuzzer<number> = posNumber();

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {


negNumber(opts?: { minSize?: number }): Fuzzer<number>

Creates an number Fuzzer of negative values.

import { check, Fuzzer, negNumber } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

const fuzzer: Fuzzer<number> = negNumber();

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {


integer(opts?: { minSize?: number, maxSize?: number }): Fuzzer<number>

Creates an integer Fuzzer.

import { check, Fuzzer, integer } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

const fuzzer: Fuzzer<number> = integer();

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {
  expect(typeof val).toEqual('number');


posInteger(opts?: { maxSize?: number }): Fuzzer<number>

Creates an integer Fuzzer of positive values.

import { check, Fuzzer, posInteger } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

const fuzzer: Fuzzer<number> = posInteger();

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {


negInteger(opts?: { minSize?: number }): Fuzzer<number>

Creates an integer Fuzzer of negative values.

import { check, Fuzzer, negInteger } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

const fuzzer: Fuzzer<number> = negInteger();

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {


float(opts?: { minSize?: number, maxSize?: number }): Fuzzer<number>

Creates an float Fuzzer.

import { check, float } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

const fuzzer: Fuzzer<number> = float();

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {
  expect(typeof val).toEqual('number');


posFloat(opts?: { maxSize?: number }): Fuzzer<number>

Creates a float Fuzzer of positive values.

import { check, Fuzzer, posFloat } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

const fuzzer: Fuzzer<number> = posFloat();

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {


negFloat(opts?: { minSize?: number }): Fuzzer<number>

Creates a float Fuzzer of negative values.

import { check, Fuzzer, negFloat } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

const fuzzer: Fuzzer<number> = negFloat();

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {


string(opts?: { maxSize?: number }): Fuzzer<string>

Creates a string Fuzzer.

import { check, Fuzzer, string } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

const fuzzer: Fuzzer<string> = string();

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {
  expect(typeof val).toEqual('string');


asciiString(opts?: { maxSize?: number }): Fuzzer<string>

Creates a ASCII string Fuzzer.

import { check, Fuzzer, asciiString } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

const fuzzer: Fuzzer<string> = asciiString();

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {
  expect(typeof val).toEqual('string');


array<A>(a: Fuzzer<A>, opts?: { maxSize?: number }): Fuzzer<A[]>

Takes a Fuzzer of some type and creates an array Fuzzer of that type.

import { check, Fuzzer, array, integer } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

const fuzzer: Fuzzer<number[]> = array(integer());

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {
  expect(val.every(x => typeof x === 'number')).toEqual(true);


object<A>({ [K in keyof A]: Fuzzer<A[K]> }): Fuzzer<A>

Takes an object where the values are fuzzers and creates an object Fuzzer of that type.

import { check, Fuzzer, object, asciiString, posInteger } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

type Person = {
  name: string;
  age: number;

const fuzzer: Fuzzer<Person> = object<Person>({
  name: asciiString(),
  age: posInteger(),

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {
  expect(typeof val.name).toEqual('string');
  expect(typeof val.age).toEqual('number');


zip<A, B>(a: Fuzzer<A>, b: Fuzzer<B>): Fuzzer<[A, B]>

Takes two fuzzers and creates a tuple Fuzzer.

import { check, Fuzzer, zip, integer } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

const fuzzer: Fuzzer<[number, number]> = zip(integer(), integer());

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {
  expect(val.every(x => typeof x === 'number')).toEqual(true);


zip3<A, B, C>(a: Fuzzer<A>, b: Fuzzer<B>, c: Fuzzer<C>): Fuzzer<[A, B, C]>

Takes three fuzzers and creates a tuple Fuzzer.

import { check, Fuzzer, zip3, integer } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

const fuzzer: Fuzzer<[number, number, number]> = zip3(integer(), integer(), integer());

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {
  expect(val.every(x => typeof x === 'number')).toEqual(true);


zip4<A, B, C, D>(a: Fuzzer<A>, b: Fuzzer<B>, c: Fuzzer<C>, d: Fuzzer<D>): Fuzzer<[A, B, C, D]>

Takes four fuzzers and creates a tuple Fuzzer.

import { check, Fuzzer, zip4, integer } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

const fuzzer: Fuzzer<[number, number, number, number]> = zip4(integer(), integer(), integer(), integer());

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {
  expect(val.every(x => typeof x === 'number')).toEqual(true);


zip5<A, B, C, D, E>(a: Fuzzer<A>, b: Fuzzer<B>, c: Fuzzer<C>, d: Fuzzer<D>, e: Fuzzer<E>): Fuzzer<[A, B, C, D, E]>

Takes five fuzzers and creates a tuple Fuzzer.

import { check, Fuzzer, zip5, integer } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

const fuzzer: Fuzzer<[number, number, number, number, number]> = zip5(

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {
  expect(val.every(x => typeof x === 'number')).toEqual(true);


frequency<A>(arr: [number, Fuzzer<A>][]): Fuzzer<A>

Takes a list of tuples ([number, Fuzzer]) and returns a Fuzzer of weighted values.

import { check, Fuzzer, frequency, posInteger, negInteger } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

 * 90% of generated values will be positive integers, 10% negative integers.
const fuzzer: Fuzzer<number> = frequency([
  [9, posInteger()],
  [1, negInteger()];

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {
  expect(typeof val).toEqual('number');


oneOf<A>(arr: Fuzzer<A>[]): Fuzzer<A>

Similar to frequency except all Fuzzers are equally weighted.

import { check, Fuzzer, oneOf, posInteger, negInteger } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

const fuzzer: Fuzzer<number> = oneOf([posInteger(), negInteger()]);

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {
  expect(typeof val).toEqual('number');


map<A, B>(fn: (a: A) => B | Promise<B>, a: Fuzzer<A>): Fuzzer<B>

Takes a mapping function that returns any value and a Fuzzer. Maps all generated values to create a Fuzzer of a new type. *Also an instance method on Fuzzer.

import { check, Fuzzer, string } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

const fuzzer: Fuzzer<number> = string().map(str => str.length);

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {
  expect(typeof val).toEqual('number');


flatMap<A, B>(fn: (a: A) => Fuzzer<B> | Promise<Fuzzer<B>>, a: Fuzzer<A>): Fuzzer<B>

Takes a mapping function that returns a new Fuzzer and a Fuzzer. Maps all generated values to create a new Fuzzer of a new type. *Also an instance method on Fuzzer.

import { check, Fuzzer, string, array, constant } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

 * A fuzzer of arrays where the entries are always the same string,
 * but the length of the array is variable.
const fuzzer: Fuzzer<string[]> = string().flatMap(str => {
  return array(constant(str));

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {
  expect(val.every(x => typeof x === 'string')).toEqual(true);


filter<A>(fn: (a: A) => boolean | Promise<boolean>, a: Fuzzer<A>): Fuzzer<A>

Takes a filtering function and a Fuzzer. If a generated value does not pass the filtering function, another value will be attempted until one passes. Be careful with this because it can cause your tests to take much, much longer to complete. *Also an instance method on Fuzzer.

import { check, Fuzzer, string } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

 * Do not allow empty strings.
const fuzzer: Fuzzer<string> = string().filter(str => str.length > 0);

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {
  expect(typeof val).toEqual('string');


maybe<A>(a: Fuzzer<A>): Fuzzer<A | void>

Takes a Fuzzer and creates a new Fuzzer where the value is either the type of the original Fuzzer or undefined. *Also an instance method on Fuzzer.

import { check, Fuzzer, string } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

const fuzzer: Fuzzer<string | void> = string().maybe();

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {

noShrink<A>(a: Fuzzer<A>): Fuzzer<A>

Takes a Fuzzer and prevents it from shrinking. *Also an instance method on Fuzzer.

import { check, Fuzzer, string } from 'kitimat-jest';
import { someFunc } from './some-func';

const fuzzer: Fuzzer<string> = string().noShrink();

check('something', [fuzzer], val => {
  expect(typeof val).toEqual('string');


Prior Art

Property-based testing is not a new idea. I started writing this library because I wanted to understand how the concept worked under the hood. The internal implementation borrows from elm-community/elm-test, mgold/elm-random-pcg, elm-community/shrink. The client API is designed after leebyron/testcheck-js.

Known Issues

expect.assertions does not work because all generated test cases are run in a single it block.


After cloning this project, you can run make test to install the dependencies and run all of the tests.


PLEASE take into consideration that this is a personal open source project and nobody is paying me to do this work. It would be amazing if you could FIRST open an issue to discuss your change and proposed implementation. It is a terrible feeling to have to reject a change over a disagreement; especially, when the author has clearly put in a lot of effort.


Copyright 2018 (c) Gabe Scholz under MIT License


6 years ago


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6 years ago