knockout-validations-extender v1.0.1
knockout validations extender
Adds an extender to a knockout object that allows you to validate its values and obtain the errors.
- receives validation description as a parameter, eg:
name = ko.observable().extend
validation: {notEmpty:{message: "Hello world!!"}}
name.validate (isValid)->
name.getAllErrors() # ["Hello World !!!"]
npm install knockout-validations-extender --save
or include in your Page
get knockout-validations-extender.min.js from github dist fodler`
You can access global variable knockoutValidationsExtender to access the api
Be aware of Dependencies
- lodash (not bundled)
- knockout (not bundled)
- promiz (bundled in)
- loglevel (bundled in)
Html: (Using knockout-punches for css bindings, better syntax!)
<form data-bind="submit: performRegistration">
<fieldset data-bind="with: registration">
<div data-bind="with: product">
<div data-bind="css.has-error: name.isntValid()" class="form-group">
<input type="text" data-bind="value: name" placeholder="Product Name" class="form-control"/><span data-bind="visible: name.isntValid, text: name.joinedErrors(' / ')" class="help-block"></span>
<div data-bind="with: consumer">
<div data-bind="css.has-error: name.isntValid()" class="form-group">
<input type="text" data-bind="value: name" placeholder="Consumer Name" class="form-control"/><span data-bind="visible: name.isntValid, text: name.joinedErrors(' / ')" class="help-block"></span>
<button type="submit">Submit Registration</button>
var Consumer = (function() {
function Consumer() { = ko.observable().extend({
validations: {
required: {
message: "Please, inform your name!"
return Consumer;
var Product = (function() {
function Product() { = ko.observable().extend({
validations: {
required: {
message: "Product name is required!!"
return Product;
var Registration = (function() {
function Registration() {
this.product = new Product();
this.consumer = new Consumer();
return Registration;
var RegistrationViewModel = (function() {
function RegistrationViewModel() {
this.registration = ko.observable(new Registration()).extend({
validations: {}
// no validations are need for registration
// children control their own validations
RegistrationViewModel.prototype.performRegistration = function() {
return this.registration.validate(function(isValid) {
if (!isValid) {
return alert("hey, please fill all fields");
alert("everything is good, done");
this.registration(new Registration());
return RegistrationViewModel;
var registrationViewModel = new RegistrationViewModel();
class Consumer
@name = ko.observable().extend
message: "Please, inform your name!"
class Product
@name = ko.observable().extend
message: "Product name is required!!"
class Registration
@product = new Product()
@consumer = new Consumer()
class RegistrationViewModel
@registration = ko.observable(new Registration()).extend({validations:{}})
# no validations are need for registration
# children control their own validations
@registration.validate (isValid)->
if !isValid then return alert("hey, please fill all fields")
alert("everything is good, done")
@registration(new Registration())
registrationViewModel = new RegistrationViewModel()
Error Concepts
Each knockout object can have:
- calculated errors
- errors that are calculated based on the given validation descriptions
- manual errors
- errors added manually to objects
- children errors
- errors that are resolved based on observables that are contained into the current one.
- if the current is an observable array, all errors contained in objects inside array will be resolved.
- algorithm always goes down if the current object is an array/object, and tries to find observables that use
validations extender
All errors are either observable/computable. So they are updated instantly if the object is validated
or is in a live
All errors are simple string
You can override the default error message by passing as a validation option in your field.
Extender Properties/Methods Added to Knockout Object
- observable.getOwnCalculatedErrors() # observable array
- observable.getOwnManualErrors() # observable array
- observable.getOwnErrors() # computed
observable.hasOwnErrors() # computed
observable.getChildrenCalculatedErrors() # computed
- observable.getChildrenManualErrors() # computed
observable.getChildrenErrors() # computed
observable.getAllCalculatedErrors() # computed
- observable.getAllManualErrors() # computed
observable.getAllErrors() # computed
observable.isValid() # computed
true if there are any errors into object or children
observable.isntValid() # computed
observable.errors() # alias to getAllErrors
observable.joinedErrors(separator) # returns a computed
observable.validate(options, callback) ASYNC
- performs the validation to the current object and its
. - callback returns boolean determining if its valid or not
- options available:
- reset # if true, it will reset all current errors
- validateChildren # if false, it wont validate children
- performs the validation to the current object and its
- returns computed that returns true if the observable contains that validation
- observable.validation(name, options)
- adds a new validation to observable
- if its live, it should trigger a new validation
- observable.removeValidation(name)
- removes validation
- observable.setValidations(rules)
- replaces all validations with new object definition with rules
Extender Modes (Available extenders)
- validation
- only validates if method
is run
- only validates if method
- validationLive
- validates when something changes
- validationAlwaysLive
- validates since the start of the object lifecycle, and when something changes.
1 - Synchronous Validations
You must register validations in order for the extender
to use them.
The validations you register are an object that maps a validationName
to a validationFunction
returns a boolean, receives a singledata
parameter, wheredata
contains:- value (the actual value to validate)
- validationOptions (the options configured for this observable/validation by you)
- parent (parent observable that called the validate method)
- container (object that contains the current observable being evaluated.)
- Eg: if you had an observableArray, that contains objects, that have a field observable, you could access the parent observableArray and the container object to validate that field.
koValidations = require 'knockout-validations-extender'
# or the global variable knockoutValidationsExtender
required:(data)-> return data.value != null
2 - Async Validations
Async validations must have async
flag specified when the validation is being registered.
Callback should be called with boolean value.
async: true
fn: (data, callback)->
callback(data.value != null)
3 - All available options
a) Can be a simple function
required:(data)-> return data.value != null
b) Can be an object
async: true
fn: (data, callback)->
callback(data.value != null)
defaultMessage: "Field should be required!"
4 - Translate Messages
If you wish to translate the error messages, you can give a function to koValidation.
koValidation.setTranslator (message, ruleOptions)->
return message.replace('{{max}}', ruleOptions.max)