1.0.5 • Published 7 years ago

knode-slack v1.0.5

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7 years ago


is a node module wrapper on node-slack-sdk.

It exposes 3 methods + message helper library. The exposed properties are:

  • postMessage - post a message to channel / user (you can post only to channels your bot has joined)
  • getChannels - get all channels info
  • getUsers - get all users info
  • message - helper library


getChannels CoffeeScript sample

ks = require('knode-slack') {bot_token: 'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_HERE'}

ks.getChannels (err, channels) ->
	console.log "ERROR: #{err}" if err
	console.log channels unless err

getUsers CoffeeScript sample

ks = require('knode-slack') {bot_token: 'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_HERE'}

ks.getUsers (err, users) ->
	console.log "ERROR: #{err}" if err
	console.log users unless err

postMessage CoffeeScript sample

ks = require('knode-slack') {bot_token: 'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_HERE'}

attachments =
			title: 'sample title'
			text: "sample text"
			color: "good"

ks.postMessage ['@USER1','@USER2','CHANNEL1','CHANNEL2'], 'subject', 'message', attachments, (err, res) ->
	console.log "ERROR: #{err}" if err

attachments is an array of objects - see here - https://api.slack.com/docs/message-attachments There are 3 basic colors - good (green), warning (yellow) and danger (red), also a hex color code can be used (eg. #439FE0) Sample attachment array with 1 object with green color:

		title: 'sample title'
		text: "sample text"
		color: "good"

To allow slack markdown in attachments set the mrkdwn_in array with fields markdown should apply to. Look at sample with markdown allowed in text:

		title: 'sample title'
		text: "sample text *with* markdown"
		color: "good"
		mrkdwn_in: ['text']

To add fields to attachment set the fields array, like in sample below:

		title: 'sample title'
		text: "sample text *with* markdown"
		color: "good"
		mrkdwn_in: ['text']
		fields: [
			{title: 'Project', value: 'Cool API', short: true}
			{title: 'Environment', value: 'dev', short: true}

Notice the optional short key in fields object. If set to true it will display these fields in a table instead of under each other.


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago