1.0.2 • Published 6 years ago

koa-eko-doc v1.0.2

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6 years ago

KoaEko Doc

Documentation generation for koa-eko

What is KoaEko Doc ?

KoaEko is koa module allowing you to generate koa-router controllers using decorators


KoaEko was built using multiple packages:


You can install KoaEko Doc using npm:

npm i koa-eko-doc



EkoDoc(title: string, description: string, version: string)

  • title (string): Name of the documentation
  • description (string): Short description display on top of the documentation
  • version (string): Version of the documentation. must match with @EkoVersion() tags

EkoDoc exposes public Routes(): IMiddleware and public AllowedMethods(): IMiddleware. You can find more on these functions on koa-router documentation

import { EkoDoc } from "koa-eko-doc";

let myDoc: EkoDoc = new EkoDoc("My API - documentation", "This documentation was generated using EkoKoa Doc", "1.0.0")

RouteResult(init?: Partial)

Route result class is useful for @EkoDocRouteResponse. There is a list of in-built route results for you to use. If you wish to create your own route result, here are the mandatory properties you must provide:

  • code (number): Represent the HTTP code returned by the API
  • title (string): Name of the HTTP code
  • description (string): Description of the HTTP code (when / why it is returned)
  • type (RouteResultType): The type of HTTP code
export const Ok:RouteResult = new RouteResult({ code: 200, title: "OK", description: "Request complete successfuly.", type: RouteResultType.Success });

Class decorators

EkoDocController(name?: string, description?: string)

  • name (string) optional: Provides a custom name to use for the controller in the documentation
  • description (string) optional: Provides a description of the controller to use in the documentation

EkoDocController marks an KoaEko controller for documentation generation. Any controller without this class decorator will not be included in the generated documentation

import { EkoController, EkoVersion } from "koa-eko";
import { EkoDocController } from "koa-eko-doc";

class MyController extends EkoController {}

Order matters! EkoDocController must be the first class decorator

Method decorators

EkoDocRouteResponse(response: RouteResult)

EkoDocRouteResponse adds a HTTP response code to the corresponding method.

  • response (RouteResult): HTTP response the route can return
import { IRouterContext } from "koa-router";
import { EkoGet } from "koa-eko";
import { EkoDocRouteResponse, Ok } from "koa-eko-doc";

@EkoGet(RouteType.GET, "/" "Get all users", "Returns all users with their personal informations")
public async MyGetRoute(ctx: IRouterContext): Promise<void> {
    // Do Stuff

Order matters! EkoDocRouteResponse decorators must always be declared before @EkoRoute decorator!

KoaEkoDoc has in-built HTTP responses that you can use (complete list).

EkoDocRouteOutput(type: RouteBodyType, output?: Object, name?: string)

EkoDocRouteResponse adds an body response.

  • type (RouteBodyType): Type of the response
  • output (Object) optional: Sequelize object to describe
  • name (string) optional: Name used in the documentation
import { IRouterContext } from "koa-router";
import { EkoGet } from "koa-eko";
import { EkoDocRouteOutput, RouteBodyType } from "koa-eko-doc";

@EkoDocRouteOutput(RouteBodyType.JSON, Entity.prototyte, "Array [ Entity ]")
@EkoGet(RouteType.GET, "/" "Get all entities", "Returns an array containing all entities")
public async MyGetRoute(ctx: IRouterContext): Promise<void> {
    // Do Stuff

Order matters! EkoDocRouteOutput decorator must always be declared before @EkoRoute decorator!



RouteBodyType defines the route body's content type.

export enum RouteBodyType {
    JSON = "JSON",
    XML = "XML",
    TEXT = "TEXT"


RouteResultType describes the HTTP code category.

export enum RouteResultType {

In-Built HTTP Codes

Code list

Here is the list of in-builts HTTP code you can use with @EkoDocRouteResponse:

  • 1XX: Continue, SwitchingProtocols, Processing, EarlyHints
  • 2XX: Ok, Created, Accepted, NoContent, ResetContent, PartialContent, MultiStatus, AlreadyReported, IMUsed
  • 3XX: MultipleChoices, MovedPermanently, Found, SeeOther, NotModified, UseProxy, SwitchProxy, TemporaryRedirect, PermanentRedirect
  • 4XX: BadRequest, Unauthorized, Forbidden, NotFound, MethodNotAllowed, NotAcceptable, ProxyAuthenticationRequired, RequestTimeout, Conflict, Gone, LengthRequired, PreconditionFailed, PayloadTooLarge, URITooLong, UnsupportedMediaType, RangeNotSatisfiable, ExpectationFailed, Teapot, MisdirectedRequest, UnprocessableEntity, Locked, FailedDependency, UpgradeRequred, PreconditionRequired, TooManyRequests, RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge, UnavailableForLegalReasons
  • 5XX: InternalServerError, NotImplemented, BadGateway, ServiceUnavailable, GatewayTimeout, HTTPVersionNotSupported, NetworkAuthenticationRequired
import { IRouterContext } from "koa-router";
import { EkoGet } from "koa-eko";
import { EkoDocRouteResponse, Ok } from "koa-eko-doc";

public async MyGetRoute(ctx: IRouterContext): Promise<void> {
    // Do Stuff


Here is a controller build using KoaEko and KoaEkoDoc

import { IRouterContext } from "koa-router";
import { Comment } from "../../POCO/Comment";
import { EkoGet, EkoVersion } from "koa-eko";
imoort { EkoDocController, EkoDocRouteResponse, EkoDocRouteOutput, RouteBodyType } from "koa-eko-doc";
import { Ok, BadRequest } from "koa-eko-doc";

export class CommentsController extends EkoController {

    public constructor() {

    @EkoDocRouteOutput(RouteBodyType.JSON, Comment.prototype, "Array [ Comment ]")
    @EkoGet("/", "Get all comments", "Get all comments and / or associated users")
    public async GetAll(ctx: IRouterContext): Promise<void> {
        let comments: Comment[] = await Comment.scope(this.getScope()).all();
        ctx.body = comments;


export default new CommentsController();