1.1.0 • Published 7 years ago

koe v1.1.0

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Last release
7 years ago


  • extremely simple: the API exposes 3 functions!
  • easy to understand: only ~170 SLOC!
  • very modern: works very well with async functions (node 7.6+)
  • extendable as h*ck: provides hooking mechanisms to serve your every need
  • fun: by which I mean to say, Promises are fun. async functions are fun. funnnnnn


Let's write a simple program that changes the content of all files in a directory to "hey, what's up":

const koe = require('koe')

// specify the source directory
const config = {
  source: 'example_dir'

// the middleware that's going to run
function middleware (site) {
  for (let file in site.files) {
    site.files[file].contents = Buffer.from('hey, what\'s up')

// our main execution function
async function main () {
  const site = koe(config)

  return site.build()

main().then(final_site => {
  // do some more stuff, maybe?
}).catch(err => {
  throw new Error(err)

Let's save this as example.js. To run it, you need Node.js version 7.6 or higher. The latest stable version will work.

node example.js

koe outputs logs in JSON formatting by default. If you want nice and cute logs, I recommend using pino-colada:

yarn global add pino-colada
# or
npm i -g pino-colada

# pipe the script output into pino-colada
node example.js | pino-colada

How does it work?

It's fairly simple! What koe does can be split up into two things:

  • First, it reads a directory and saves all of the information about each file into a gigantic object. That object can be manipulated by middleware, which makes koe actually do things.
  • After most middleware is run, koe writes the files as they are described in the gigantic object to disk.

It's that simple! Static site generators aren't rocket science or whatever. If you got confused by looking at the Jekyll source code once, that's because Jekyll is more fully fledged than koe is, that is, it provides some defaults.

But static site generators, at their core, are just programs that take a set of files, do something to them, and then output those files. That's it. The rest is just transformations on those files.

koe's goal is to reduce that essence to its very base, and to give you a bunch of building blocks with which you can make your ideal site, using only the stuff you need!

API Documentation

See API.md.

How does it compare?

This section is a little bit about how koe compares to other static site generators (even though it isn't really that):

  • jekyll: Jekyll is a whole lot different. First off, it provides a whole lot of defaults (such as YAML Front-Matter, the Liquid language, etc) to help you build your static site extremely quickly. It's also massively geared for security, since it runs on GitHub's Pages platform. Stuff like custom plugins isn't even available there (not like that's a bad thing!).
  • ghost: Ghost is just straight up a blogging platform. I don't even know why it's on AlternativeTo.
  • hugo: Hugo, a bit like Jekyll, has predefined concepts like "pages" and "tags". It's also way more stable and faster than koe. Why am I still writing this?
  • metalsmith: Metalsmith is probably the thing that's most like koe, and as a matter of fact, its main inspiration. It's also plugin-based, and works with roughly the same concepts. The major difference is that koe is more up-to-date (I like promises a lot) and that the API is fairly different. Also, it's just not really an active project with an active ecosystem anymore (sadly!).
  • koa: koe is NOT koa please stop sending me e-mails about this

What does the name mean?

Koe, or, in its german spelling, Kö (= Königsallee), is one of the busiest luxury shopping streets in Germany, located in the city of Düsseldorf (which is where I live what a surprise haha). Also, it was free on npm.

What dependencies does it have?

If you have any ideas as to how to eliminate a dependency, you're more than welcome to pitch it here!


MIT (see LICENSE document)


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


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7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago