kontainer v1.1.0
ViewModel lifecycle manager for (parts of) KnockoutJS applications. Offers more flexibility than built-in KO components and prevents unnecessary reflows.
var show = kontainer.create(Element|String target)
Returns function to replace the contents of the given target element. The target element can be given as a DOM element or a selector expression.
show(DOM|String template, Object viewModel)
Binds and renders the template to the previously set target. Template can be either a DOM element/document fragment or a string. Unbinds previously set viewModel.
Lifecycle callbacks
The viewModel can have the following methods defined:
inserted(DOM target)
- called when the template is inserted into the DOM tree.bound(DOM target)
- called when the viewModel is bound to the DOM tree.dispose(DOM target)
- called when the template and the viewModel are replaced.
The inserted
callback is called before bound
as the template is
inserted into the DOM tree before the bindings are applied.
var show = kontainer.create('#content');
document.getElementById('link-page-1').addEventListener('click', function() {
show('<span data-bind="text: message"></span>',
{ message: ko.observable('Hello World!') });
}, false);
Creates target on element with id content
and sets up a link handler to replace its
contents with the given template and view model.
The source kontainer.js
uses CommonJS module format. dist/kontainer-standalone.js
contains minified build in UMD format that supports both AMD and CommonJS environments and also
sets global kontainer
If installed through NPM then the module can be directly used in browserify by simply require()'ing it:
var kontainer = require('kontainer');
Install build dependencies:
npm install
Run static server:
make serve-test
Run tests:
make test
The MIT License.