0.1.4 • Published 7 years ago
kontinuum-route53 v0.1.4
Create hosted zones and set resource record set in route53.
Available values for target hosted zone id and target dns name.
Flag | Default | Required | Description |
--name | true | Must match s3 bucket eg. foo.example.com | |
--root | true | Root domain eg. example.com | |
--target-hosted-zone-id | Z3BJ6K6RIION7M | false | Target hosted zone id from the list of available values. Must match hosted zone of corresponding s3 bucket |
--target-dns-name | s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com. | false | Target dns name has to match the selected target hosted zone id. |
./script.sh --name foo.example.com --root example.com
If name is the same as root then an alias for www.$root will also be created.
TODO: only works for static sites via s3 buckets