kool-shell v2.1.0
:microphone::tv::notes: A minimal module to deal with shell
- 1 dependency (support-color)
- Native promises from Nodejs
- Shell commands with silent & inherited stdio
- Ansi Colors + Auto-detects color support
- Log methods with 4 log levels
- User input with hidden input option
- List input with multiple or single choice
- Awesome emoji-based spinner
- Progressbar
- Create and add your own kool-shell plugins easily
- Cool emojis!
- Node > 8
- npm > 5
- ANSI/VT100 compatible terminal
npm install --save kool-shell
Create a new kool-shell instance
const sh = require('kool-shell')
sh.warn(sh.colors.gray('Display a gray warning'))
// You can also use object destructuring
const { warn, colors } = require('kool-shell')
warn(colors.gray('Display a gray warning'))
It can be useful to not share kool-shell configuration and state when dealing with
multiple modules. You can specify a namespace using the kool-shell/namespaced
const sh1 = require('kool-shell/namespaced')('MyModule')
sh1.setLogOptions(globalPrefix: '[MyModule] ')
sh1.log('Customized log for the MyModule namespace')
const sh2 = require('kool-shell')
sh2.log('This log will not have the [MyModule] prefix')
Kool-shell features
All features are basically native plugins, always available in kool-shell. See the Plugins section below to learn how to create & add your own plugins.
- Log - Log functions
- Colors - Add colors to your log messages
- Progressbar - Display a progressbar
- Spinner - Display a spinner
- Exec - Execute a promised shell command
- Input - User prompt with hidden input option
- Select - Select/Radio input
- Cleanup - Do some actions before exiting your app
- Exit - Simple alias of
Add a plugin
Add a plugin with sh.use(plugin, [options])
You can specify options for your plugin.
const koolPlugin = require('kool-shell-plugin')
sh.use(koolPlugin, { colors: false })
Create a plugin
Plugin template
module.exports = myPlugin (sh, opts = {}) {
return {
sayHello () {
// kool-shell native features are always available from the sh object.
// for instance, you can easily use colors using sh.colors method
? console.log('hello.')
: console.log(sh.colors.gray('hello'))
Two arguments will be passed when your plugin is used through sh.use()
is the kool-shell instance usedopts
is the options object passed troughsh.use(plugin, options)
Your plugin need to be a function that return an object. When your plugin is used, the returned object will be merged into the api object of the kool-shell instance.
:warning: Method/Property will be overiden if a new one has the same name. Namespace your plugin api if you use common method names
To do
- Test all native features