0.0.5 • Published 1 year ago
korean-syllable v0.0.5
Korean-Syllable: 한글 음절 생성기
This module was moved @jacepkg/korean
Korean-Syllable is the module that make any korean syllable.
- github: https://github.com/jacealan/korean-syllable
- npm: https://www.npmjs.com/package/korean-syllable
npm install korea-syllable
Importing Korean-Syllable
import { koreanSyllable } from "korean-syllable"
Making any korean syllable(s)
1 syllable
const ex: string = koreanSyllable()
console.log(ex) // 촒
more syllables
const length: number = 10
const ex: string = koreanSyllable(length)
console.log(ex) // 줩뇅쳱펻뻘껨즰쌍쉁뺼죓
is the length of syllables
with space
const length: number = 10
const withspace: boolean = true
const ex: string = koreanSyllable(length, withspace)
console.log(ex) // 둎찍굍 뺍푡롁 쯚럔
- length, withspace가 없으면 한 음절 생성
- withspace가 없거나 false면 공백 없이 원하는 길이의 음절 생성
at node console
$ node
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> const { koreanSyllable } = require("korean-syllable")
> koreanSyllable()
> koreanSyllable(30)
> koreanSyllable(30, true)
'녂퀘궠뮇 톫륂쥢뉓뎋맘 쁗푋혌잞 셇뛅듵놸 튚쯯 횓왒캔롛깴'