0.5.1 • Published 9 years ago

koslider v0.5.1

Weekly downloads
Last release
9 years ago


KOslider is a jQuery slider/carousel plugin that uses CSS3 transitions for its animation. It is named KOslider because it was initially used on a project with my Kickoff framework and uses the same CSS class naming scheme(http://tmwagency.github.io/kickoff/learn/css.html#sts=CSS Naming scheme).

Getting the Library

Direct downloads


bower install trak


npm install koslider --save


Include KOslider in your JavaScript bundle or add it to your HTML page like this:

<script type='application/javascript' src='/path/to/KOslider.js'></script>


Include KOslider in your JavaScript bundle or add it to your HTML page like this:

<script type='application/javascript' src='/path/to/jquery-KOslider.js'></script>

There are two ways to use KOslider: the data-koslider attribute or with the traditional jQuery plugin call $('.element').KOslider().

Example usage on an HTML element:

All options are defined using JSON. Please note that the initial opening quote on the data-koslider attr has a single quote. This means we can use double quotes within the options object.

<div data-koslider='{"dots":"true","arrows":"true","keys":"true","uiPosition":"above","debug":"true"}'>
	<ul class="KOslider unstyled clearfix">
		<li class="KOslider-slide">
			<h4>1This is the title</h4>
			<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Id, eveniet, enim assumenda cum recusandae qui nemo facilis laboriosam numquam corrupti unde eligendi laudantium itaque. Est, fugit corrupti possimus itaque eligendi.</p>
		<li class="KOslider-slide">
			<h4>2This is the title</h4>
			<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Id, eveniet, enim assumenda cum recusandae qui nemo facilis laboriosam numquam corrupti unde eligendi laudantium itaque. Est, fugit corrupti possimus itaque eligendi.</p>

KOslider can also be called using standard jQuery syntax:

// Doc ready

		keys : true,
		uiPosition : "below",
		customPrevClass : "icon-arrow-previous",
		customNextClass : "icon-arrow-next",
		debug : true,
		itemWidth : "200px"


Default options:

"keys"               : false,                 [boolean] keyboard shortcuts (boolean)
"dots"               : true,                  [boolean] display ••••o• pagination (boolean)
"dotsClick"          : false                  [boolean] enable clickable dots
"arrows"             : true,                  [boolean] display prev/next arrows (boolean)
"sliderEl"           : ".KOslider",           [string]  slides container selector
"slide"              : ".KOslider-slide",     [string]  slidable items selector
"uiPosition"         : "after",               [string]  Options: 'before', 'after' or 'over'
"customPrevBtnClass" : undefined              [string]  Classname for prev button icon
"customNextBtnClass" : undefined              [string]  Classname for next button icon
"setHeight"          : "auto"                 [string]  "auto" = Change height of slides according to content; "equal" = equalise height of all slides; "none" = don't adjust height at all
"equaliseEl"         : undefined              [string]  Selector used to calculate equalised heights
"debug"              : false                  [boolean] Show debug info
"autoplay"           : false                  [boolean] autoplay the slider
"autoplayInterval"   : 4000                   [integer] Change the autoplay speed
"swipe"              : false                  [boolean] enable swipe for touch
"itemWidth"          : undefined              [string]  define an element width instead of calculating it
"inactiveClass"      : "KOslider--inactive"   [string]
"activeClass"        : "KOslider--active"     [string]
"callbacks"          : undefined              [object]  Add custom callbacks


Wrap your existing markup with an element. Add the data-koslider attribute if you want to use that implementation or just add a class so that you can select the element using jQuery.

<!-- Uses data-koslider with options -->
<div data-koslider='{"dots":"true","arrows":"true","keys":"true","uiPosition":"above","debug":"true"}'>
	<ul class="slider clearfix">
		<li class="slide"></li>
		<li class="slide"></li>
		<li class="slide"></li>

<!-- or -->
<!-- Use traditional jQuery way to call plugin, see above -->
<div class="KOsliderContainer">
	<ul class="slider clearfix">
		<li class="slide"></li>
		<li class="slide"></li>
		<li class="slide"></li>


KOslider has debugging built-in. To use it, just set debug: true in the options and it will show various debug messages in your javascript console.

On-change callback

You can define an callback when the slides change. Add a callback method to the callbacks object in your options like below:

	keys : true,
	callbacks: {
		onChange : function() {
			console.log('slider changed');


KOslider does not try to style everything for you; there are no themes. Only the bare minimum is styled so that you can apply your own styles. Please see the source file for what to style.

 * Next / previous buttons
.KOslider-UI-btn {
	/* Styling for both buttons */

.KOslider-UI-btn:hover {


.KOslider-UI-btn[disabled] {


.KOslider-UI-btn[disabled]:hover {


.KOslider-UI-btn--previous {


.KOslider-UI-btn--next {



This plugin assumes a few things so that it works properly:

  1. That you use some js to modify classes on the <html> element to tell if js is available. It uses the Modernizr .no-js / .js example. This is done so that the slider can be styled well when js is unavailable. See our demo for an example of this without using Modernizr.
  2. That you want resize events debounced. Included is a small script that allows resize events to be made more effecient.


Clone this repo and open the index.html to view the demo.