1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

kpkpkpkpk v1.0.0

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Getting Started with Create React App and rescripts.js Microfrontend template

Running project:

yarn start

Adding new micro frontend module:

Search for "config MF" or open all TODO to find all steps for adding remote frontend module.

By default following steps are necessary:

  • add url for the dev & prod json config at "src/modules/config"
  • add a new object with type IRemoteModuleConfig at "src/modules/config/configData.ts"
  • use a new module as typical react component

Exposing current app / component as micro frontend:

  • change .env file and write a new HOST and PORT
  • change name in package.json
  • add exported component by changing name and path in "root/modules.js"

Adding new alias:

  • add a new field to "alias.json" at compilerOptions.paths



// It is the map for remote modules
export const MODULE_NAME_MAP = {

// example module
export const EXAMPLE_MODULE: IRemoteModuleConfig = {
  url: getRemoteModuleAPI(process.env, 'EXAMPLE_MODULE'), // in devmode it is localhost with any port, which you choose, in prodmode it's url on server, which contain remoteEntry.js in the end
  scope: 'lorem', // it is your package.json name of remote module
  module: './name', // it is your name in exported object by path root/modules.js (in remote module)

and than you can create your component with the remote module

import { ReactElement } from 'react';
import RemoteModule, { EXAMPLE_MODULE } from '@app/modules';

const Example = (): ReactElement => (
    <RemoteModule config={EXAMPLE_MODULE} />

export default Example;

// so you can pass any props 

const Example = (): ReactElement => {
    const props = {
        id: 'lorem'

    return (
        <RemoteModule config={EXAMPLE_MODULE} props={props} />