0.3.0 • Published 10 years ago

kpm-api v0.3.0

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Last release
10 years ago


KPM-API is a set of Connect middleware for implementing the API required to host a KSP Packaged Module repository.

The API has several sub components that can be individually implemented:

  • Configuration - A way to expose the capabilities of the repository to clients.
  • Packages - The consumption end of the API and is expected to be supported.
  • Publishing - Allows creators to submit their modules to the repository.
  • Owner - Allows project owners to distribute control over a package .


Install through npm like so:

npm install kpm-api --save

Feature: Configuration

If you wish to mount the middleware on endpoints different from the defaults or wish to only implement certain API's, you can use the config middleware to make the clients aware. The middleware serves a file(/kpm-config.json) that is requested by the kpm client to determine the repository capabilities and conventions.


    packages: '/p',
    owner: false,
    publishing: false


  • packages - packages API feature endpoint path. By default, the path is set to /p.

  • owner - owner API feature endpoint path. By default, this feature is disabled.

  • publishing - publishing API feature endpoint path. By default, this feature is disabled.

Note 1: All paths are relative to the host. Absolute URI's are not allowed.

Note 2: A false value indicates that feature is not available on this registry.

Feature: Packages

This feature handles requests for retrieving and searching for packages.


var express = require('express'),
	kpm = require('kpm-api'),
	app = express();

    list: function (pageIndex, pageSize, client, callback) {
        // code to retrieve a list of available packages.
		// pass result to callback when done.
    fetch: function (pkg, client, callback) {
        // code to retrieve a stream or buffer for the
		// specified package and version. pass result to
		// callback when done.
		callback(null); // package not found. 
    exists: function (pkg, client, callback) {
        // code to determine whether specified package exists.
		// return result (either true or false) to callback.


list - A handler for listing available packages in the repository.

  • pageSize will be -1 if not specified. This would mean paging is not active.
  • callback expects an Array.
  • callback will return an empty Array if the result is null or undefined.
  • pageIndex is zero-based.

fetch - a handler for retrieving a package.

  • callback expects a stream.Readable, Buffer, or String.
  • a String result will cause a redirection to the url in the String.
  • a null or undefined result means the package was not found and the server will respond with 404.
  • if the result is not a stream or Buffer, the middleware will pass an error to the next middleware.

exists - a handler for determining if a package is available within the repository. Like fetch, it takes a pkg object, client object, and callback.

  • callback expects either true or false.

Feature: Owners

This feature is responsible for adjusting and displaying what users can publish a specific package to the repository. It is meant to allow users to manipulate publishing rights on a repository from the client. The rights granted at this time are all or nothing. A user with owner rights to a repository can publish new versions of the package to the repository.


var express = require('express'),
	kpm = require('kpm-api'),
	app = express();

    add: function(pkg, client, userName, callback) {

    remove: function(pkg, client, userName, callback) {

    list: function(pkg, client, callback) {


add - a handler for adding a user to a package's owner list.

  • callback expects either true or false to indicate success.

remove - a handler for removing a user from a package's owner list.

  • callback expects either true or false to indicate success.

list - a handler to list owners of a package.

  • callback expects an Array.
  • callback will return an empty Array if the result is null or undefined.

Feature: Publishing

This feature allows users to publish/unpublish packages to the repository from the KPM client.



var express = require('express'),
	kpm = require('kpm-api'),
	app = express();

    publish: function (pkg, client, stream, callback) {


    unpublish: function (pkg, client, callback) {


	uploadResolver: function(req, fieldName) {


publish - a handler to adding the package to the repository. Takes a pkg object, a client object, stream object, and a callback for returning the result.

  • callback expects either true or false to indicate success.

unpublish (optional) - a handler for removing the package from the repository. Takes pkg object, client object, and a callback for returning the result.

  • callback expects either true or false to indicate success.

uploadResolver (optional)- a handler that resolves the package stream from the current request. It takes the current request(req) and the name(fieldName) of the field where the package stream should be located. This is a synchronous call and expects a return value to be the resolved stream of the package. A default implementation is provided if not specified which looks in req.files for the file stream.

  • the returned value must be an instance of stream.Readable to be used by the middleware.

Key Verification

The owner and publishing features require a handler to verify client requests. This handler can be specified using the verifyKey function.


require('kpm-api').verifyKey(function (key, callback) { /* ... */ });


var kpm = require('kpm-api');

kpm.verifyKey(function (key, callback) {
    // verify key provided
	callback(true || false);


handler - the handler will be passed a key and a callback. After verifying the key, the result should be passed to callback as a boolean (true or false).



Read-Only Information related to the KPM client responsible for the current API request.


var Client = require('kpm-api').Client;

var client = new Client(/* request object */);


  • id: String | Null - the user-agent string of the KPM client. May be empty if not provided.
  • version: String | Null - the version of the KPM client. May be null if not provided.
  • key: String | Null - the API key provided by the client. May be null if not provided.



var Package = require('kpm-api').Package;

var pkg = new Package(id, version);


  • id: String | Null - the id of the package. May be null if the id was not provided by the request.
  • version: String | Null - the version of the package. An empty string implies the latest version.

Bugs and Feedback

If you see a bug or have a suggestion, feel free to create an issue here.


MIT License. Copyright 2014 Daniel Krainas http://www.danielkrainas.com