1.0.6 • Published 5 years ago

krisp-api-ngrok v1.0.6

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Last release
5 years ago


Node module for interacting with 2Hz Krisp API

This module creates local host tunnel using ngrok module.

It creates webhook server on your local machine which is visible to Krisp API.


Module can be installed using npm

npm i krisp-api-ngrok


To create instance of Krisp API you should provide options object.

It should have the following minimal structure.

const opts = {
    AccountRID: "", /* Required */
    AccountKey: "", /* Required */
    Port: 3001, /* Optional, default is 3000 */
    Download: true, /* Optional*/
    DownloadDir: "/tmp/", /* Required if Download is present*/
    LogLevel: "info" /*Can be either 'info' or 'error'*/

When property Download is set to true all processed files will be downloaded to the provided DownloadDir


There are 4 main event to listen while using module

readyAll Krips API calls should be make after this event.
webhookWhen response is ready Krisp API triggers this event.
errorError event
downloads-finishedWhen all active requests to the api are finished and downloaded this event triggers.


All API methods are promises that resolve if Krisp API response status is success otherwise promises reject

denoisedenoises file using given model
expandbandwidth expands using with given model
removeremoves resource from Krisp API servers using rid
statsreturn api usage statistics based on year, day and month

Example usage

This example below demonstrates how this module can be used for denoising, recovering and bandwidth expanding file.

const KrispAPI = require("krisp-api-ngrok")
 *  Define options for krisp api
const opts = {
    AccountRID: "",
    AccountKey: "",
    Port: 3001,
    Download: true, // if download is set to true you should also specify DownloadDir where processed files will be downloaded
    DownloadDir: "/tmp/", // directory when processed files should be downloaded
    LogLevel: "info",

 * Initialize Krisp API instance with given options
const krispAPI = new KrispAPI(opts)

 * Define unique identifiers for each request
let tokenDenoise = "my-denoise-token"
let tokenExpand= "my-expand-token"
 * All requests to Krisp API should be made after ready event
krispAPI.on("ready", () => {

     * Make a call to denoise endpoint to process example.wav using DENOISE_PLAY_8000 model and also pass tokenDenoise
     * as argument which will be sent to webhook, it is usefule for identifying requests.
    krispAPI.denoise("example.wav", "DENOISE_PLAY_8000", tokenDenoise)
        .then().catch((d) => {
        console.log("ERROR", d);

 * Error event should be leistened always.
krispAPI.on("error", (err) => {

 * When Krisp API successfully processes file it triggeres webhook event.
 * All responses from denoise, recover and expand endpoints will come here
krispAPI.on("webhook", (response) => {
    if (response.param === tokenDenoise) {
        //do some fun stuff

krispAPI.on("downloads-finished", (rid) => {
    console.log("All downloads have been completed.")