1.0.1 • Published 5 years ago

kronos-icons-crm v1.0.1

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Last release
5 years ago

CRM SVG icons

Here is the canonical source of the SVG icons of the Kronos CRM.

How is this used

This repo is used as a node dependency module in package.json:

    "devDependencies": {
        "kronos-icons-crm": "github:kronostechnologies/kronos-icons-crm",

So after an npm install it's downloaded here node_modules/kronos-icons-crm/.

Then all those files must be concatenated and converted into symbols in a single SVG file. Right now, it is done with a grunt task called svg_symbols. Behind that task there's the plugin grunt-svg-symbols.

svg_symbols: {
    options: {
        className: 'svg-symbols visuallyhidden',
        currentColor: true,
        precision: 3,
        preserveViewBox: true,
    build: {
        files: {
            'public/img/sprite-symbols.svg': ['img/svg/symbols/**/*.svg', 'node_modules/kronos-icons-crm/**/*.svg'],

Ouput Example

The generated file is ./public/img/sprite-symbols.svg.

<svg class="svg-symbols visuallyhidden" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
    <symbol id="ico-angle-down" viewBox="0 0 10 16">
        <path d="M9.598 6.571a.309.309 0 0 1-.089.205l-4.161 4.161c-.054.054-.134.089-.205.089s-.152-.036-.205-.089L.777 6.776c-.054-.054-.089-.134-.089-.205s.036-.152.089-.205l.446-.446a.29.29 0 0 1 .205-.089c.071 0 . 3.509L8.651 5.92c.054-.054.134-.089.205-.089s. 0 0 1 .089.205z" fill="currentColor"></path>

    <symbol id="ico-cog" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
        <path d="M13.426 8c0-.839.517-1.5 1.294-1.954a7.18 7.18 0 0 0-.554-1.338c-.871.228-1.576-.113-2.169-.706-.593-.592-.774-1.297-.546-2.169a7.018 7.018 0 0 0-1.338-.553c-.454.776-1.276 1.292-2.114 1.292S6.34 2.056 5.885 1.28a6.945 6.945 0 0 0-1.337.553c.228.872.047 1.577-.547 2.169-.592.594-1.297.934-2.169.706-.228.422-.414.87-.553 1.338C2.055 6.5 2.571 7.161 2.571 8c0 .838-.516 1.659-1.292 1.338.872-.228 1.577-.047 2.169.546s.775 1.298.547 2.169c.422.228.87.414 1.338.554.454-.778 1.276-1.294 2.114-1.294s1.659.516 2.114 1.294a7.209 7.209 0 0 0 1.338-.554c-.228-.87-.047-1.575.546-2.169.593-.592 1.298-.933 2.169-.706a7.06 7.06 0 0 0 .554-1.338c-.778-.455-1.295-1.116-1.295-1.954zM8 10.922a2.922 2.922 0 1 1 0-5.843 2.922 2.922 0 0 1 0 5.843z" fill="currentColor"></path>
    <!-- {Etc...} -->


<button class="metasearchbar__submit">
  <span class="visuallyhidden">{{ _('METASEARCH_SUBMIT') }}</span>

  <svg class="metasearchbar__ico">
    <use xlink:href="#ico-magnifying-glass"></use>

For the SVG contributors (designers)
