1.0.2 • Published 2 years ago

ksc-component-export-files v1.0.2

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Last release
2 years ago


  • 支持 Excel 、CSV 文件导入
  • 支持 Excel 、CSV、Word 导出


npm i ksc-component-export-files
# 或者 
npm install git+http://newgit.op.ksyun.com/ksc-cns-fe/ksc-component-export-files.git --save 



var output = [

// 推荐:方式一 
import { exportFile } from 'ksc-component-export-files'
exportFile(output ,'文件名-' + Date.now()  , "csv" )

// 方式二 
import kscComponentExportFiles from 'ksc-component-export-files';
kscComponentExportFiles(output ,'文件名-' + Date.now()  , "csv" )

文件导入 异步方式

input( type = 'file' 
accept = ".csv, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet, application/vnd.ms-excel"
 @click = "upload" id = 'uploadFile' ) 
// Html Input
import { importFile } from 'ksc-component-export-files'

const files = document.getElementById('uploadFile') as any 
let reader = new FileReader();
reader.readAsArrayBuffer(files.files[0]) as any 
reader.onload = function( event ){
  // 这里的this 指向 global.this : FileReader
  let result = this.result 
  // let result =  event.target.value  ; // 也可以获取result 
  importFile( result ).then( (data : any  ) =>{
        console.log( data )
// Element-ui  
    action = '#'
    ref = 'upload'
    :on-success = "handleSuccess"
    :limit = '1'
    accept = '.csv, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet, application/vnd.ms-excel'
    el-button 导入列表   

// js 
  handleChange(file , fileList ){
    this.fileList = fileList ;
    const reader = new FileReader();
    reader.readAsBinaryString( file.raw )
    reader.onload = function(  ev ){
        let result = ev.target.result ; 
        importFile( result , {
            type: 'binary',
            cellDates: true ,
        }).then( (data) =>{
            console.log( JSON.stringify(data) )


importFile 方法参数

optsObject : ParsingOptions{type: 'binary', cellDates: true}}
  // ParsingOptions Params
export interface ParsingOptions{
    /** Input data encoding */
    type?: 'base64' | 'binary' | 'buffer' | 'file' | 'array' | 'string';

    /** Default codepage */
    codepage?: number;

     * Save formulae to the .f field
     * @default true
    cellFormula?: boolean;

     * Parse rich text and save HTML to the .h field
     * @default true
    cellHTML?: boolean;

     * Save number format string to the .z field
     * @default false
    cellNF?: boolean;

     * Generate formatted text to the .w field
     * @default true
    cellText?: boolean;

    /** Override default date format (code 14) */
    dateNF?: string;

     * If >0, read the first sheetRows rows
     * @default 0
    sheetRows?: number;

     * If true, parse calculation chains
     * @default false
    bookDeps?: boolean;

     * If true, add raw files to book object
     * @default false
    bookFiles?: boolean;

     * If true, only parse enough to get book metadata
     * @default false
    bookProps?: boolean;

     * If true, only parse enough to get the sheet names
     * @default false
    bookSheets?: boolean;

    /** If specified, only parse the specified sheets or sheet names */
    sheets?: number | string | Array<number | string>;

    /** If true, plaintext parsing will not parse values */
    raw?: boolean;

    dense?: boolean;