1.8.1 • Published 6 months ago

ksjs v1.8.1

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6 months ago


This repo contains a bunch of plain JavaScript functions that come in handy while working on various projects. They are mostly provided as ES modules, but a subset of them are also offered as CommonJS modules so they can easily be used in an older node.js environment.


From the command line, run:

npm install ksjs


yarn add ksjs

ES Modules

Preferred: For any of the modules, you can import functions like so:

import {example1, example2} from 'ksjs/example.mjs'
// Depending on your project, ES modules are available in
// files with the .js extension, too. For example:
// import {example1, example2} from 'ksjs/example.js'


Not recommended: If your bundler supports ES module tree shaking, you might be able to import functions from various files like so (for Webpack, you might need to configure it to treat bamfjs as ES6+):

import {$, debounce, deepCopy} from 'bamfjs';

CommonJS Modules

The following modules & their corresponding functions can be used in a node.js environment:

  • array
  • color
  • math
  • object
  • promise
  • string
  • timer
  • url

Preferred: You can require them from their respective files with the .cjs extension, like so:

const {example1} = require('ksjs/example.cjs');


or like so:

const examples = require('ksjs/example.cjs');


Otherwise: You could require them from the cjs directory, like so (Note the ".js" extension here):

const {example1} = require('ksjs/cjs/example.js');


or like so:

const examples = require('ksjs/cjs/example.js');



  • ajax
  • array
  • color
  • cookie
  • dom
  • event
  • form
  • jsonp
  • math
  • object
  • promise
  • selection
  • storage
  • string
  • timer
  • url


ESM Import Example:

import {getJSON} from 'ksjs';

// or:
import {getJSON} from 'ksjs/ajax.js';
// or:
import {getJSON} from 'ksjs/ajax.mjs';

ajax(url, options) ⇒ Promise

Low-level ajax request

Returns: Promise - A resolved or rejected Promise from the server

urlstringlocation.hrefThe URL of the resource
options.dataTypestringOne of 'json', 'html', 'xml', 'form', 'formData'. Used for setting the Content-Type request header (e.g. multipart/form-data when 'formData`) and processing the response (e.g. calling JSON.parse() on a string response when 'json');
options.dataObject | stringData to send along with the request. If it's a GET request and options.data is an object, the object is converted to a query string and appended to the URL.
options.methodstring"GET"One of 'GET', 'POST', etc.
options.cachebooleantrueIf set to false, will not let server use cached response
options.memcachebooleanfalseIf set to true, and a previous request sent to the same url was successful, will circumvent request and use the previous response
options.headersObject{}Advanced: Additional headers to send with the request. If headers such as 'Accept', 'Content-Type', 'Cache-Control', 'X-Requested-With', etc., are set here, they will override their respective headers set automatically based on other options such as options.dataType and options.cache.
options.formHTMLFormElementAn optional form element

getJSON(url, options) ⇒ Promise

Send a GET request and return parsed JSON response from the resolved Promise

Returns: Promise - A resolved or rejected Promise from the server

See: ajax

urlstringlocation.hrefThe URL of the resource
optionsObject{}See ajax for details

postJSON(url, options) ⇒ Promise

Send a POST request and return parsed JSON response from the resolved Promise

Returns: Promise - A resolved or rejected Promise from the server

See: ajax

urlstringlocation.hrefThe URL of the resource
optionsObject{}See ajax for details

postFormData(url, options) ⇒ Promise

Send a POST request with FormData derived from form element provided by options.form

Returns: Promise - A resolved or rejected Promise from the server

See: ajax

urlstringlocation.hrefThe URL of the resource
optionsObject{}See ajax for details

fetchHTML(url, selector) ⇒ Promise

Fetch an HTML document and return the html string (or a subset of it) from the resolved Promise

Returns: Promise - A resolved or rejected Promise, resolving to an HTML string

urlstringThe URL of the resource to fetch
selectorstringA selector specifying the html content in the resource to return


ESM Import Example:

import {isArray} from 'ksjs';

// or:
import {isArray} from 'ksjs/array.mjs';
// or:
import {isArray} from 'ksjs/array.js';

CommonJS Require Example:

const {isArray} = require('ksjs/array.cjs');
// or:
const {isArray} = require('ksjs/cjs/array.js');

isArray(arr) ⇒ boolean

Determine whether "arr" is a true array

Returns: boolean - true if arr is array, false if not

arrarrayitem to determine whether it's an array


import {isArray} from 'ksjs/array.js';

if (isArray(window.foo)) {

inArray(el, arr) ⇒ boolean

Determine whether item "el" is in array "arr"

Returns: boolean - Boolean (true if el is in array, false if not)

elanyAn item to test against the array
arrarrayThe array to test against

objectToArray(obj) ⇒ array

Convert an object to an array of objects with name and value properties

Returns: array - An array of objects with name and value properties

objobjectThe object to convert


import {objectToArray} from 'ksjs/array.js';

const obj = {
  foo: 'bar',
  baz: 'qux'

const arr = objectToArray(obj);
 // arr = [
//   {name: 'foo', value: 'bar'},
//   {name: 'baz', value: 'qux'}
// ];

makeArray(value, delimiter, wrapObject) ⇒ array

Return an array based on the given value: a) Strings are split by a delimiter (defaults to /\s+/). b) Plain objects are converted to an array of objects with name and value properties. b2) …unless wrapObject is true in which case they are just wrapped in an array c) Undefined and null are returned as an empty array. d) Arrays are returned as is. e) Anything else is wrapped in an array.

Returns: array - The value converted to an array

valueanyThe value to convert to an array
delimiterstring | RegExp"= /\s+/"A string or regular expression to use for splitting a string into an array (defaults to /\s+/)
wrapObjectBooleanWhether to simply wrap an object in an array (true) or convert to array of objects with name/value properties


import {makeArray} from 'ksjs/array.js';
const foo = makeArray('one two three');
// foo is now ['one', 'two', 'three']

const bar = makeArray('one,two,three', ',');
// bar is now ['one', 'two', 'three']

const baz = makeArray(['one', 'two', 'three']);
// baz is still ['one', 'two', 'three']

const quz = makeArray({foo: 'bar'});
// quz is now [{name: 'foo': value: 'bar'}]

const quuz = makeArray(null);
// quuz is now []

randomItem(arr) ⇒ any

Return a random item from the provided array

Returns: any - A random element from the provided array

arrarrayAn array of elements

pluck(arr, prop) ⇒ array

Take an array of objects and a property and return an array of values of that property

Returns: array - Array of values of the property (if the value is undefined, returns null instead)

arrarrayArray from which to pluck
propstringProperty to pluck


import {pluck} from 'ksjs/array.js';

let family = [
    id: 'dad',
    name: 'Karl'
    id: 'mom',
    name: 'Sara',
    color: 'blue'
    id: 'son',
    name: 'Ben',
    color: 'green'
    id: 'daughter',
    name: 'Lucy'

let names = pluck(family, 'name');
let ids = pluck(family, 'id');
let colors = pluck(family, 'color');

// Logs: ['Karl', 'Sara', 'Ben', 'Lucy']

// Logs: ['dad', 'mom', 'son', 'daughter']

// Logs: [null, 'blue', 'green', null]

shuffle(els) ⇒ array

Fisher-Yates (aka Knuth) shuffle. Takes an array of elements and returns the same array, but with its elements shuffled

Returns: array - The array passed to arr, shuffled

See: knuth-shuffle

elsarrayArray to be shuffled

merge(...arrays) ⇒ array

Merge two or more arrays into a single, new array.

Returns: array - A new merged array

...arraysarray2 or more arrays to collapse



See: merge instead

intersect(array1, array2, prop) ⇒ array

Return a subset of array1, only including elements from array2 that are also in array1.

  • If prop is provided, only that property of an element needs to match for the two arrays to be considered intersecting at that element

Returns: array - A new filtered array

array1arrayFirst array
array2arraySecond array
propanyOptional property to compare in each element of the array


const array1 = [{name: 'Foo', id: 'a'}, {name: 'Bar', id: 'b'}];
const array2 = [{name: 'Foo', id: 'z'}, {name: 'Zippy', id: 'b'}];

console.log(intersect(array1, array2, 'name'));
// Logs [{name: 'Foo', id: 'a'}]

console.log(intersect(array1, array2, 'id'));
// Logs [{name: 'Bar', id: 'b'}]

unique(arr, prop) ⇒ array

Take an array of elements and return an array containing unique elements. If an element is an object or array:

  • when prop is undefined, uses JSON.stringify() when checking the elements
  • when prop is provided, only that property needs to match for the element to be considered a duplicate and thus excluded from the returned array

Returns: array - A new filtered array

arrarrayArray to be filtered by uniqueness of elements (or property of elements)
propanyOptional property to be tested if an element in arr is an object or array


const array1 = [1, 2, 3, 2, 5, 1];
const uniq = unique(array1);
// Logs: [1, 2, 3, 5]

diff(array1, array2, prop) ⇒ array

Return a subset of array1, only including elements that are NOT also in array2. The returned array won't include any elements from array2. If an element is an object or array:

  • when prop is undefined, uses JSON.stringify() when performing the comparison on an object or array
  • when prop is provided, only that property needs to match for the item to be excluded fom the returned array

Returns: array - A filtered array

array1arrayArray for which to return a subset
array2arrayArray to use as a comparison
propstringOptional property to be tested if an element in array1 is an object or array


const array1 = [1, 2, 3, 4];
const array2 = [2, 3, 5, 6, -1];
console.log(diff(array1, array2));
// Logs: [1, 4]

chunk(arr, n) ⇒ array

From an array passed into the first argument, create an array of arrays, each one consisting of n items. (The final nested array may have fewer than n items.)

Returns: array - A new, chunked, array

arrarrayArray to be chunked. This array itself will not be modified.
nnumberNumber of elements per chunk

range(a, b) ⇒ array

Create an array of numbers from 0 to a - 1 (if b not provided) or from a to b (if b is provided).

Returns: array - A new array of numbers

anumberThe length of the 0-based array to be returned if b is NOT provided; the first number in the array if b IS provided.
bnumberThe (optional) last number of the array.

pad(arr, size, value) ⇒ array

Pad an array with value until its length equals size

Returns: array - The array passed to arr, padded

arrarrayArray to pad
sizenumberTotal length of the array after padding it
valueanyValue to use for each "padded" element of the array

sort(arr, prop, options) ⇒ array

Sort an array with sensible defaults: numbers (or numeric strings) before letters and case and diacritics ignored

Returns: array - The sorted array

arrarrayArray to sort
propstringIf dealing with an array of objects, the property by which to sort
optionsobjectObject indicating options to override defaults (see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/Collator/Collator#options)
options.sensitivitystring"base"One of 'base', 'accent', 'case', 'variant'. Default is 'base'
options.numericbooleantrueWhether to treat numeric strings as numbers. Default is true
[options...rest]anyOther options (besides sensitivity:'base' and numeric: true) per the spec for Intl.Collator.prototype.compare


ESM Import Example

import {rgb2Hex} from 'ksjs'

// or:
import {rgb2Hex} from 'ksjs/color.mjs'
// or:
import {rgb2Hex} from 'ksjs/color.js'

CJS Require Example

const {rgb2Hex} = require('ksjs/color.cjs');
// or:
const {rgb2Hex} = require('ksjs/cjs/color.js');


Convert a hex value to an rgb or rgba value

hexstringHex color code in shorthand format (e.g. #333, #333a) or longhand (e.g. #333333, #333333aa)
alphanumberOptional number from 0 to 1 to be used with 3- or 6-character hex format

rgb2Hex(rgb) ⇒ string

Convert an rgb value to a 6-digit hex value. If an rgba value is passed, the opacity is ignored

Returns: string - Hex value (e.g. #ff780a)

rgbstring | arrayeither an rgb string such as 'rgb(255, 120, 10)' or an rgb array such as [255, 120, 10]


rgb2Hex('rgb(255, 136, 0)')
// => '#ff8800'

rgb2Hex([255, 136, 0])
// => '#ff8800'

rgb2Hex('rgba(255, 136, 0, .8)')
// => '#ff8800'

rgba2Hex(rgba) ⇒ string

Convert an rgba value to an 8-digit hex value, or an rgb value to a 6-digit hex value

Returns: string - Hex value (e.g. #ff780a80)

rgbastring | arrayeither an rgba string such as 'rgba(255, 120, 10, .5)' or an rgba array such as [255, 120, 10, .5]


rgba2Hex('rgba(255, 136, 0, .8)')
// => '#ff8800cc'

rgba2Hex([255, 136, 0, .8])
// => '#ff8800cc'

rgba2Hex('rgb(255, 136, 0)')
// => '#ff8800'

rgb2Luminance(rgb) ⇒ number

Convert an RGB color to a luminance value. You probably don't want to use this on its own

Returns: number - The luminance value


rgbstring | arrayRGB value represented as a string (e.g. rgb(200, 100, 78)) or an array (e.g. [200, 100, 78])

getContrastColor(bgColor, darkColor, lightColor) ⇒ string

Return darkColor if bgColor is light and lightColor if bgColor is dark. "Light" and "dark" are determined by the rgb2Luminance algorithm

Returns: string - Contrasting color

  • Warning: untested
bgColorstringhex code (e.g. #daf or #3d31c2) of the color to contrast
darkColorstring"'#000'"The dark color to return if bgColor is considered light
lightColorstring"'#fff'"The light color to return if bgColor is considered dark


ESM Import Example:

import {getCookie} from 'ksjs';

// or:
import {getCookie} from 'ksjs/cookie.mjs';
// or:
import {getCookie} from 'ksjs/cookie.js';

getCookie(name) ⇒ string

Get the value of a cookie

Returns: string - value The value of the cookie

namestringThe name of the cookie whose value you wish to get

setCookie(name, value, options) ⇒ string

Set the value of a cookie. Use either expires or maxAge (or max-age). NOT BOTH.

Returns: string - The new cookie

namestringName of the cookie
valuestringValue of the cookie
optionsobjectOptional object
options.pathstring"'/'"Path within which the cookie can be read. Default is '/'.
options.domainstringIf not specified, browser defaults to host portion of current location. If domain specified, subdomains always included. (Note: don't use leading "."). Default is undefined.
options.expiresnumberNumber of days after which the cookie should expire. Default is undefined.
options.maxAgenumberNumber of seconds after which the cookie should expire. Default is undefined.
options.samesitestringOne of 'strict' or 'lax'. Default is undefined.
options.securebooleanIf true, cookie can only be sent over secure protocol (e.g. https). Default is undefined.

removeCookie(name, path)

Remove a cookie

namestringName of the cookie to remove
pathstringOptional path of the cookie to remove. If not provided, all name cookies in location.pathname or any of its parents will be removed.


ESM Import Example:

import {addClass} from 'ksjs';

// or:
import {addClass} from 'ksjs/dom.mjs';
// or:
import {addClass} from 'ksjs/dom.js';

toNodes(element(s)) ⇒ array

Converts a selector string, DOM element, or collection of DOM elements into an array of DOM elements

Returns: array - An array of DOM elements

element(s)Element | NodeList | array | stringThe selector string, element, or collection of elements (NodeList, HTMLCollection, Array, etc)

$(selector, context) ⇒ Array

Return an array of DOM Nodes within the document or provided element/nodelist

Returns: Array - Array of DOM nodes matching the selector within the context

selectorstringThe CSS selector of the DOM elements
contextElement | NodeList | array | stringdocumentThe selector string, element, or collection of elements (NodeList, HTMLCollection, Array, etc) representing one or more elements within which to search for selector

$1(selector, context) ⇒ Element

Return the first found DOM Element within the document or provided element/nodelist/HTMLCollection

Returns: Element - First DOM Element matching the selector within the context

selectorstringSelector string for finding the DOM element
contextElement | NodeList | array | stringdocumentThe selector string, element, or collection of elements (NodeList, HTMLCollection, Array, etc) representing one or more elements within which to search for selector

addClass(el, className, ...classNameN) ⇒ string

Add one or more classes to an element

Returns: string - the resulting class after classes have been removed

elElementDOM element for which to add the class
classNamestringclass to add to the DOM element
...classNameNstringone or more additional className arguments representing classes to add to the element

removeClass(el, className, ...classNameN) ⇒ string

Remove one or more classes from an element

Returns: string - the resulting class after classes have been removed

elElementDOM element from which to remove the class
classNamestringclass to remove from the DOM element
...classNameNstringone or more additional className arguments representing classes to remove from the element

toggleClass(el, className, toggle) ⇒ string

Add a class if it's not present (or if toggle is true); remove the class if it is present (or if toggle is false)

Returns: string - The className property of the element after the class has been toggled

elElementElement on which to toggle the class
classNamestringThe class name to either add or remove
togglebooleanOptional boolean argument to indicate whether className is to be added (true) or removed (false)

replaceClass(el, oldClass, newClass) ⇒ string

Replace oldClass with newClass

Returns: string - The className property of the element after the class has been replaced

elElementDOM element for which you want to replace oldClass with newClass
oldClassstringThe class name you want to get rid of
newClassstringThe class name you want to add in place of oldClass

getOffset(el) ⇒ Object

Get the top and left distance to the element (from the top of the document)

Returns: Object - Object with top and left properties representing the top and left offset of the element

  • Warning: untested
elElementElement for which to get the offset

setStyles(el, styles) ⇒ Element

Set one or more styles on an element.

Returns: Element - The original element, with the styles set

elElementelement on which to add styles
stylesObject.<string, (string|number)>object of styles and their values to add to the element

setAttrs(el, attrs) ⇒ Element

Set one or more attributes on an element. For boolean attributes ('async', 'required', etc.), set the element's property to either true or false

Returns: Element - The original element, with the attributes set

elElementelement on which to add attributes
attrsObject.<string, (string|boolean|number)>object of attributes and their values to add to the element

getAttrs(el, attrs) ⇒ Object

Given an array of attribute names, get an object containing attribute names/values for an element

Returns: Object - Object of attribute names along with their values

elElementDOM Element. If NodeList is provided, uses the first element in the list
attrsArray.<string>Array of attribute names

toggleAttr(el, attribute, toggle) ⇒ string

Add an attribute to an element if it's not present (or if toggle is true); remove the attribute if it is present (or if toggle is false)

Returns: string - The attribute name if it has been added, undefined if it has been removed

elElementElement on which to toggle the attribute
attributestringThe attribute to either add or remove
togglebooleanOptional boolean argument to indicate whether the attribute is to be added (true) or removed (false) *

insertHTML(element, position, toInsert)

elementElementhtml element
positionstringposition for insertion
toInsertstringhtml string to insert

prepend(el, toInsert) ⇒ Element

Insert an element as the first child of el

Returns: Element - The inserted element

elElementReference element
toInsertElement | stringDOM element or HTML string to insert as the first child of el

append(el, toInsert) ⇒ Element

Insert an element as the last child of el

Returns: Element - The inserted element

elElementReference element
toInsertElement | stringDOM element or HTML string to insert as the last child of el

before(el, toInsert) ⇒ Element

Insert an element as the previous sibling of el

Returns: Element - The inserted element

elElementReference element
toInsertElement | stringDOM element or HTML string to insert as the previous sibling of el

after(el, toInsert) ⇒ Element

Insert an element as the next sibling of el

Returns: Element - The inserted element

elElementReference element
toInsertElement | stringDOM element or HTML string to insert as the next sibling of el

createTree(options) ⇒ Element(s)

Provide an object, along with possible child objects, to create a node tree ready to be inserted into the DOM.

Returns: Element(s) - The created Element node tree

options.tagstringOptional tag name for the element. If none provided, a document fragment is created instead
options.textstringOptional inner text of the element.
options.childrenArray.<Object>Optional array of objects, with each object representing a child node
[...optionsattr]stringOne or more optional attributes to set on the element

createHTML(options) ⇒ Element(s)

Provide an object, along with possible child objects, to create an HTML string that can be inserted into the DOM.

Returns: Element(s) - The created Element node tree

options.tagstringOptional tag name for the element. If none provided, a document fragment is created instead
options.textstringOptional inner text of the element.
options.childrenArray.<Object>Optional array of objects, with each object representing a child node
[...optionsattr]stringOne or more optional attributes to set on the element

remove(el) ⇒ Element

Remove an element from the DOM

Returns: Element - DOM element removed from the DOM

elElementDOM element to be removed

empty(el) ⇒ Element

Empty an element's children from the DOM

Returns: Element - DOM element provided by el argument

elElementDOM element to clear of all children

replace(oldEl, replacement)

Replace a DOM element with one or more other elements

oldElElementThe element to be replaced
replacementElement | Array.<Element>An element, or an array of elements, to insert in place of oldEl

loadScript(options) ⇒ Promise

Insert a script into the DOM with reasonable default properties, returning a promise. If options.id is set, will avoid loading script if the id is already in the DOM.

Returns: Promise - Promise that is either resolved or rejected. If options.id is NOT provided or if no element exists with id of options.id, promise is resolved when script is loaded. If options.id IS provided and element with same id exists, promise is resolved or rejected (depending on options.onDuplicateId) with no attempt to load new script.

optionsobjectAn object of options for loading the script. All except complete and completeDelay will be set as properties on the script element before it is inserted.
options.srcstringThe value of the script's src property. Required if options.textContent not set
options.textContentstringThe text content of the script. Ignored if options.src set. Required if options.src NOT set.
options.asyncbooleantrueThe value of the script's async property. Default is true.
options.completeDelaynumber0Number of milliseconds to wait when the script has loaded before resolving the Promise to account for time it might take for the script to be parsed
options.idstringString representing a valid identifier to set as the script element's id property. If set, the script will not be loaded if an element with the same id already appears in the DOM
options.onDuplicateIdstring"resolve"One of 'resolve' or 'reject'. Whether to return a resolved or rejected promise when a script with an id matching the provided options.id is already in the DOM. Either way, the function will not attempt to load the script again and the resolved/rejected promise will be passed an object with {duplicate: true}.
[...optionsscriptProperties]boolean | stringAny other values to be set as properties of the script element


ESM Import Example:

import {addEvent} from 'ksjs';

// or:
import {addEvent} from 'ksjs/event.mjs';
// or:
import {addEvent} from 'ksjs/event.js';

addEvent(el, type, handler(event), options)

A wrapper around addEventListener that deals with browser inconsistencies (e.g. capture, passive, once props on options param; see param documentation below for details) and handles window load similar to how jQuery handles document ready by triggering handler immediately if called after the event has already fired. For triggering window load, this file MUST be imported before window.load occurs.

elWindow | ElementDOM element to which to attach the event handler
typestringEvent type
handler(event)functionHandler function. Takes event as its argument
optionsObject | booleanfalseOptional object or boolean. If boolean, indicates whether the event should be in "capture mode" rather than starting from innermost element and bubbling out. Default is false. If object, and browser does not support object, argument is set to capture property if provided
options.capturebooleanfalseIndicates if the event should be in "capture mode" rather than starting from innermost element and bubbling out. Default is false.
options.passivebooleanIf true, uses passive mode to reduce jank. This is automatically set to true for supported browsers if not explicitly set to false for the following event types: touchstart, touchmove, wheel, mousewheel. Ignored if not supported.
options.oncebooleanIf true, removes listener after it is triggered once on the element.

removeEvent(el, type, handler, options)

A wrapper around removeEventListener that naïvely deals with oldIE inconsistency.

elElementDOM element to which to attach the event handler
typestringEvent type.
handlerfunctionHandler function to remove.
optionsObject | booleanfalseOptional object or boolean. If boolean, indicates whether event to be removed was added in "capture mode". Important: non-capturing here only removes non-capturing added event and vice-versa.
options.capturebooleanIndicates whether event to be removed was added in "capture mode"

triggerEvent(el, type, detail)

Trigger a custom event on an element for which a listener has been set up

Derived from emitEvent(): (c) 2019 Chris Ferdinandi, MIT License, https://gomakethings.com

elElementDOM element on which to trigger the event
typestringName representing the custom event type
detailObjectObject to make available as the detail property of the event handler's event argument


// Using this module's addEvent() function
// Add a custom event handler
addEvent(document.body, 'myCustomEvent', (event) => console.log(event.detail.weather));

// Later…
// Trigger the custom event
triggerEvent(document.body, 'myCustomEvent', {weather: 'sunshine'});
// Logs: 'sunshine'


ESM Import Example:

import {getFormData} from 'ksjs';

// or:
import {getFormData} from 'ksjs/form.mjs';
// or:
import {getFormData} from 'ksjs/form.js';

getFormData ⇒ any

Return the set of successful form controls of the provided form element in one of four types: object, string, formData, or array.

Returns: any - The set of successful form controls as the provided type

formElementThe form element
typestring"object"One of 'object', 'string', 'formData', or 'array'


.object(form)functionReturn form data as an object of key/value pairs
.string(form)functionReturn form data as a query string
.formData(form)functionReturn a FormData instance
.array(form)functionReturn form data as an array of objects with name and value properties


const myform = document.getElementById('myform');

// Logs:
// {
//    email: 'name@example.com',
//    gender: 'female',
//    meals: ['breakfast', 'dinner']
// }


const myform = document.getElementById('myform');

// Logs:
// email=name%40example.com&gender=female&meals[]=breakfast&meals[]=dinner


const myform = document.getElementById('myform');

// Logs:
// [
//    {
//      name: 'email',
//      value: 'name@example.com'
//    },
//    {
//      name: 'gender',
//      value: 'femail'
//    },
//    {
//      name: 'meals[]',
//      value: 'breakfast'
//    },
//    {
//      name: 'meals[]',
//      value: 'dinner'
//    }
// ]

valuesToFormData(values) ⇒ FormData

Note: if the value of a key is an object with a files property, each file in the files array will be appended to the FormData object.

Returns: FormData - The form data object

valuesObject | ArrayThe object or array of objects to convert


ESM Import Example:

import {getJSONP} from 'ksjs';

// or:
import {getJSONP} from 'ksjs/jsonp.mjs';
// or:
import {getJSONP} from 'ksjs/jsonp.js';

getJSONP(options, callback(json))

Function for those times when you just need to make a "jsonp" request (and you can't set up CORS on the server). In other words, x-site script grabbing.

  • Warning: untested
  • Warning: requires setup on server side
  • Warning: not entirely safe
options.urlstringURL of the jsonp endpoint
options.dataObjectOptional data to include with the request
options.data.callbackstring"jsonp.timestamp"Optional value of the callback query-string parameter to append to the script's src
callback(json)functionFunction to be called when request is complete. A json object is passed to it.


getJSONP({url: 'https://example.com/api/'})


ESM Import Example:

import {median} from 'ksjs';

// or:
import {median} from 'ksjs/math.mjs';
// or:
import {median} from 'ksjs/math.js';

CommonJS Require Example:

const {median} = require('ksjs/math.cjs');
// or:
const {median} = require('ksjs/cjs/math.js');

add(array) ⇒ number

Return the result of adding an array of numbers (sum)

Returns: number - Sum

arrayarrayArray of numbers

subtract(array) ⇒ number

Return the result of subtracting an array of numbers (difference)

Returns: number - Difference

arrayarrayArray of numbers

multiply(array) ⇒ number

Return the result of multiplying an array of numbers (product)

Returns: number - Product

arrayarrayArray of numbers

divide(array) ⇒ number

Return the result of dividing an array of numbers (quotient)

Returns: number - Quotient

arrayarrayArray of numbers

mod(dividend, divisor) ⇒ number

Return the remainder after dividing two numbers (modulo)

Returns: number - Remainder

dividendnumber | arrayA number representing the dividend OR an array of dividend, divisor
divisornumberNumber representing the divisor if the first argument is a number

average(nums) ⇒ number

Return the average of an array of numbers

Returns: number - Average

numsarrayArray of numbers

median(nums) ⇒ number

Return the median of an array of numbers

Returns: number - Median

numsarrayArray of numbers

min(nums) ⇒ number

Return the number with the lowest value from an array of numbers

Returns: number - Minimum value

numsarrayArray of numbers

max(nums) ⇒ number

Return the number with the highest value from an array of numbers

Returns: number - Maximum value

numsarrayArray of numbers


ESM Import Example:

import {deepCopy} from 'ksjs';

// or:
import {deepCopy} from 'ksjs/object.mjs';
// or:
import {deepCopy} from 'ksjs/object.js';

CommonJS Require Example:

import {deepCopy} from 'ksjs/object.cjs';
// or:
const {deepCopy} = require('ksjs/cjs/object.js');


Indicate if the provided argument is an object/array

objObjectThe argument that will be checked to see if it is an object


Indicate if the provided argument is a plain object Derived from lodash _.isPlainObject

objObjectThe argument that will be checked to see if it is a plain object

clone(obj) ⇒ Object

Deep copy an object (alternative to deepCopy), using graph theory and new Map(). Avoids circular refs and infinite loops.

Returns: Object - A copy of the object

See: Cloning JavaScript objects with Graph Theory


deepCopy(obj, forceFallback, cache) ⇒ Object

Deep copy an object, avoiding circular references and the infinite loops they might cause.

Returns: Object - A copy of the object

objObjectThe object to copy
forceFallbackBooleanIf set to true, doesn't try to use native structuredClone function first.
cacheArray.<Object>Used internally to avoid circular references

isDeepEqual(objectA, objectB) ⇒ Boolean

Compare two items for equality, recursing through nested objects or arrays

Returns: Boolean - True if the items are deeply equal, false otherwise

objectA*The first item to compare
objectB*The second item to compare

extend(target, ...objects) ⇒ Object

Deep merge two or more objects in turn, with right overriding left

Heavily influenced by/mostly ripped off from jQuery.extend

Returns: Object - The merged object

targetObjectThe target object that will be mutated. Use {} to create new object
...objectsObjectOne or more objects to merge into the first


const foo = {
  one: 'singular',
  two: 'are better'

const bar = {
  one: 'taste',
  choco: 'hershey',
  saloon: 'wild west',

const merged = extend(foo, bar);

// merged is now:
// {
//  one: 'taste',
//  two: 'are better',
//  choco: 'hershey',
//  saloon: 'wild west',
// }

// because foo was mutated, it is also:
// {
//  one: 'taste',
//  two: 'are better',
//  choco: 'hershey',
//  saloon: 'wild west',
// }

getProperty(root, properties, fallbackValue) ⇒ *

Get a nested property of an object in a safe way

Returns: * - The value of the nested property, or undefined, or the designated fallback value

rootObjectThe root object
propertiesArray.<String> | StringEither an array of properties or a dot-delimited string of properties
fallbackValueanyA value to assign if it's otherwise undefined


const foo = {
  could: {
   keep: {
    going: 'but will stop'

console.log(getProperty(foo, 'could.keep.going'))
// Logs: 'but will stop'

console.log(getProperty(foo, ['could', 'keep', 'going']))
// Logs: 'but will stop'

console.log(getProperty(foo, ['broken', 'not', 'happening']))
// Logs: undefined

getLastDefined(root, properties) ⇒ *

Get a nested property of an object in a safe way

Returns: * - The value of the last nested property referenced in properties arg that has a defined value

rootObjectThe root object
propertiesArray.<String> | StringEither an array of properties or a dot-delimited string of properties


const foo = {
  could: {
   keep: {
    going: 'but will stop'
  shortStop: 'ride ends here'

console.log(getLastDefined(foo, 'could.keep.going'))
// Logs: 'but will stop'

console.log(getLastDefined(foo, ['shortStop', 'stops', 'short']))
// Logs: 'ride ends here'

isEmptyObject(obj) ⇒ boolean

Determine whether an object (or array) is "empty"

Returns: boolean - true if object has no keys or array no elements

objobject | arrayThe object to test

setProperty(root, properties, value) ⇒ Object

Set a nested property of an object in a safe way

Returns: Object - The modified root object

rootObjectThe root object
propertiesArray.<String> | StringEither an array of properties or a dot-delimited string of properties
valueanyThe value to set for the nested property

forEachValue(obj, fn) ⇒ void

Loop through an object, calling a function for each element (like forEach, but for an object)

objObjectThe object to iterate over
fnfunctionA function to be called for each member of the object. The function takes two parameters: the member's value and the member's key, respectively

getObject(obj, options)

INTERNAL: Return either the same object passed in first parameter or a deep copy of the object, depending on the deep option.

objObjectThe object to return
optionsObjectOptions object
options.deepbooleanWhether to deep-clone the object or not before returning it

pick(obj, props, options) ⇒ Object

Return a new object containing only the properties included in the props array.

Returns: Object - A copy of the object, containing only the props properties

objObjectThe object from which to get properties
propsarray.<string>Properties to get from the object
optionsObjectOptions object
options.deepbooleantrueWhether to deep-clone the object before assigning its properties to the new object

omit(obj, props, options) ⇒ Object

Return a new object, excluding the properties in the props array.

Returns: Object - A modified copy of the object

objObjectThe object from which to get properties
propsarrayProperties to exclude from the object
optionsObjectOptions object
options.deepbooleantrueWhether to deep-clone the object before assigning its properties to the new object


ESM Import Example:

import {peach} from 'ksjs';

// or:
import {peach} from 'ksjs/promise.mjs';
// or:
import {peach} from 'ksjs/promise.js';

CommonJS Require Example:

import {peach} from 'ksjs/promise.cjs';
// or:
const {peach} = require('ksjs/cjs/promise.js');

peach(arr, fn) ⇒ Array.<Promise>

"Promised each()" for iterating over an array of items, calling a function that returns a promise for each one. So, each one waits for the previous one to resolve before being called

Returns: Array.<Promise> - Array of promises

arrarrayArray to iterate over
fnArrayCallbackFunction that is called for each element in the array, each returning a promise

pmap(arr, fn, order) ⇒ Promise

"Promised map()" for iterating over an array of items sequentially (or in parallel), calling a function that returns either the Promise of a modified item or the modified item itself, ultimately returning a single resolved Promise containing the modified array.

Returns: Promise - A resolved Promise, fulfilled with an array containing the mapped items of arr

arrarrayArray to iterate over
fnArrayCallbackFunction that is called for each element in the array, each returning a modified result
orderstring"sequence"Whether to call the callback for each item sequentially ('sequence', default) or at the same time ('parallel').


import {pmap} from 'ksjs/promise.js';

const fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'pear'];

const indexedFruits = pmap(fruits, (fruit, i) => {


pfilter(arr, fn(item,index,array), order) ⇒ Promise

"Promised filter()" to iterate over an array of items sequentially (or in parallel), which acts just like Array.prototype.filter() but allows the callback function to return either a Promise containing a truthy/falsy value or the truthy/falsy value itself. Returns a single resolved Promise containing the filtered array.

Returns: Promise - A resolved Promise, fulfilled with an array containing the mapped items of arr

arrarrayArray to iterate over
fn(item,index,array)ArrayCallbackFunction that is called for each element in the array, each returning a modified result
orderstring"sequence"Whether to call the callback for each item se

6 months ago


6 months ago


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9 months ago


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3 years ago