1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

ksql-query-builder v1.0.0

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4 years ago

KSQL query linter and composer with dependency resolution

The general purpose of this tool is to lint, perform variable replacement, and compose KSQL queries from many individual files into a single output file selected by output topics. The queries in the output file should always be in the correct order for stream/table composition. For specific details about how query selection and ordering works see the src/main.js file.


Install globally with npm

npm install -g ksql-query-builder

or yarn

yarn global add ksql-query-builder


Basic usage, ksql-query-builder --topics='output,topics_desired in a directory with queries will read and parse all queries found in the current directory or below then output all the queries necessary to generate the output and topics_desired topics. To use replacements, create a json file with the replacement property set to an object, see #replacements for details. To only lint all the queries in a directory use --lint.

Example output

See examples/queries.ksql for an example of what the formatted and ordered queries look like.


At this time any property set in a WITH block and timezone specifiers can be replaced. To perform parameter replacement create a config file:

  "replacements": {
    "with/partitions": 2,
    "with/VALUE_FORMAT": "'JSON'",
    "time zone": "'new time zone'",
    "function/timestamptostring/tz": "'UTC'"
  "queries": ["order_total"]

the property name of the replacement is structured like a path and the value is used without interpolation. If the value needs quoting in the query you must include the quotes in the json. Property names are case insensitive.


This tool was developed specifically to support automation workflows, the --lint option should work the way most other linting tools do in a CI/CD pipeline. For deployments to different environments that need different scaling performance set the PARTITIONS accordingly, for example use 1 PARTITION for a development environment and 3 PARTITIONS for production. The output of every run should have a unique checksum because the first line is a comment with the ISO time the output was generated, removing that line should generate consistent files given the same input.

See examples for details, including a suggested development vs production workflow.

Library usage

This package can be used as a dependency, you will need to pass in a configuration object the the exported run method. See src/app.js for an example of how it works.


Only statements that create topics/streams will be included in the output, if you need drop statements or other statements for setup(eg SET 'value' = ...) you will need to prepend them to the output.


Options can be specified via the command line in the form --arg=value, as environment variables, or in a config file

  • --queries or QUERIES_PATH - The path to the KSQL queries defaults to ./, use absolute or relative path, relative paths are resolved relative to the config.json file or $PWD
  • --config or QUERIES_CONFIG - The path to the configuration file you would like to use
  • --output or OUTPUT - The path to the file you would like to save the output queries in, if unset and not in linting mode queries are sent to STDOUT
  • --topics or TOPICS - List of comma-separated topics that you want to have populated, these are the target topics that will generate output data, the tool will select all the necessary dependencies and output them in the correct order. N.B. All other topics will not be included in the ouput.
  • --lint - turns on linting mode which disables writing queries to a file, default off

an example would be


  "replacements": {"with/partitions":2},
  "queries": ["order_total"]
yarn generate --queries=path/to/queries/relative/to/config/ --config=myconfig.json --output=queries.ksql

Syntax Errors and Linting

In all cases of syntax error the program will exit without writing a query file. When a syntax error is encountered in a file the output will be something like

$ yarn generate --queries=tests/queries-bad/ --config=tests/config-good.json --output=queries.ksql
yarn run v1.21.0
$ node ./src/app.js --queries=queries-bad --config=src/tests/config-good.json --output=queries.ksql
Error parsing file: queries-bad/bad-for-clause.ksql
Error at column 22 on line 1

  SELECT * FROM bar b ON (a.id=b.id)
mismatched input 'ON' expecting ';'

Error parsing file: queries-bad/bad-struct.ksql
Error at column 96 on line 0

CREATE STREAM pageviews (viewtime BIGINT, user_id VARCHAR, page_id VARCHAR, `Properties` VARCHAR>)
extraneous input '>' expecting {',', ')'}

Done in 0.21s.

KSQL language updates

see README.md in the parser directory for grammar update instructions


Copyright 2019 Carnegie Technologies

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.