kurento-jsonrpc v7.0.0
Kurento jsonrpc library for Node.js and browsers
Kurento Web SDK RPC Builder.
The Kurento Web SDK RPC Builer project is a small RPC library for browser and Node.js.
The source code of this project can be cloned from the GitHub repository.
Installation instructions
Be sure to have installed the Node.js tools in your system. It's heavily encouraged to use the latest Node.js and NPM versions from the Node.js project PPA instead of the packages available on the oficial Ubuntu repositories, since due to the fast-moving Node.js community and environment these last ones get easily outdated and can lead to incompatibility errors:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs nodejs-legacy
To install the library, it's recomended to do that from the NPM repository :
npm install kurento-jsonrpc
Alternatively, you can download the code using git and install manually its dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/Kurento/kurento.git
cd kurento/clients/javascript/jsonrpc/
npm install
To build the browser version of the library you'll only need to exec the grunt
task runner and they will be generated on the dist
folder. Alternatively,
if you don't have it globally installed, you can run a local copy by executing
How to test
Tests are autonomous and based on nodeunit testing framework. Their only
requirement is to exec previously npm install
to have installed all the
dev dependencies.
To exec test in Node.js, you only need to exec npm test
, that will launch
all the tests automatically.
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