0.4.1 • Published 3 years ago

kurtion v0.4.1

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3 years ago




With Shell Console

npm i kurtion

First Step

const Kurtion = require('kurtion')({
  name: /* name of your project, if not set ECMAData is the default */,
  location: /* location of your project, if not set ./ECMAData is the default */

To Create a Table and Manage it (User in the example)

const User = Kurtion.Table({
  name: "User" /* name of your table */,
  properties: {
    id: {
      type: "number",
      autoIncrement: true,
      unique: true,
    pseudo: {
      type: "string",
      unique: true,
      lowercase: true,
      required: true,
    password: {
      type: "string",
      required: true,
    created_at: {
      type: "dateTime",
      createDate: true,
    updated_at: {
      type: "dateTime",
      updateDate: true,
  } /* object columns with properties, can be updated later */
  pseudo: "grikke",
  password: "securedPassword",
}) /* create an user with the example */



Return Statement

Success Statement

  state: true,
  response: /* object or array if data is expected or simple string message */

Error Statement

  state: false,
  message: /* Specific error message */,
  error: /* error object, can be empty */


  • .autoIncrement(fieldName) Get the highest value of a field by name

  • .findData(findData) Find data with array of object

  id: 3
}, {
  id: 4
}]) /* return empty array */
  • .removeData(findData) Find data and remove it with the same array of object as .findData

  • .updateData(findData, updateData) Find data and update field

User.updateData({ id: 1}, {
  pseudo: "Karl"
  • .insertData(Data) Insert Data in the table


  • .createTable(tableName, properties) Create a table as the exemple above

  • .removeTable(tableName) Remove a Table by Name

  • .insertColumn(tableName, properties) Insert a Column into table

  • .updateColumn(tableName, columnName, columnProps) Update a Column with new properties

  • .removeColumn(tableName, arrayColumn) Remove a column and column's data in Table with an array of column

Kurtion.removeColumn("User", [


  • Common

    • required: Is required for validation -> Property type : boolean
    • transform: Transform the value as you wish (function required) except for boolean -> Property type : function
  • string

    • default : Default value for the column (if not set) -> Property type : string
    • unique: Unique value for each column value -> Property type : boolean
    • minLength: Minimum length for the string -> Property type : number
    • maxLength: Maximum length for the string -> Property type : number
    • uppercase: transform string to uppercase only -> Property type : boolean
    • lowercase: transform string to lowercase only -> Property type : boolean
  • array

    • default : Default value for the column (if not set) -> Property type : array
    • elementType: Specify if you want specific element type (string for example) -> Property type : string (type)
    • minLength: Minimum length for the array -> Property type : number
    • maxLength: Maximum length for the array -> Property type : number
  • object

    • default : Default value for the column (if not set) -> Property type : object
    • elementType: Specify if you want specific element type (string for example) -> Property type : string (type)
    • structure: Check that the object contains all key no more, no less -> Property type : object (only key will be check)
    • minLength: Minimum length for the object -> Property type : number
    • maxLength: Maximum length for the object -> Property type : number
  • number

    • default : Default value for the column (if not set) -> Property type : number
    • unique: Unique value for each column value -> Property type : boolean
    • autoIncrement: auto-increment number based on the field (useful for id) -> Property type : boolean
    • minSize: Minimum number -> Property type : number
    • maxSize: Maximum number -> Property type : number
  • dateTime

    • updateDate: update date column when editing or inserting -> Property type : boolean
    • createDate: create date column when inserting -> Property type : boolean
  • boolean

    • default : Default value for the column (if not set) -> Property type : boolean

3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago