1.1.0 • Published 2 months ago

lagom-engine v1.1.0

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2 months ago


Lagom Game Engine



Lagom is a game framework for Javascript games.

Basic Usage

Available ECS Interfaces


Data container class. Components generally should not contain any logic. Use them to store data which can be manipulated or read by Systems or WorldSystems.


Container type for Components. Generally should not contain any logic, as they do not have an update method. The Entity class allows you to add Components and retrieve them by type.


Systems update every game tick on specific Component groupings. A system must declare which Component combinations it wishes to run on. If an Entity is found which holds an instance of each requested Component, the system will run on it. If any Component types are missing from the Entity, the System will not run. If multiple matching Components of the same type are found on an Entity, the first found will be returned.


GlobalSystems are similar to Systems, but instead of running on Component groupings by entities, they run on all Components of specified types.


A Scene is a container object for all of the ECS object types. A Scene can be likened to a game level.


The Game type is the top level Lagom object type. All global configuration is done in the Game instance and it controls the update loop and the currently loaded Scene.



The AudioAtlas class allows you to load and manage audio files using the Howler engine.

Audio files can be loaded using the load method.


AudioAtlas.load("jump", require("./resources/jump.wav"))

A file can then be simply played with the AudioAtlas.play() method, or Howler methods can be used directly for more advanced usage.



Simple Sprite component used to render images. A Sprite can be directly created from a PIXI Texture.


A SpriteSheet can be used to load multiple sprites at once that are part of a larger image. This supports single and multiple texture extraction with tile indexing support.


A Sprite component type that supports multiple image frames and animation options.


A more advanced version of AnimatedSprite, that allows for multiple animation states that can be controlled with logic. Also supports custom event triggering on registered animation frames.


A Lagom Scene always has a single Camera, which can be accessed via the camera property. This controls how the game viewport is rendered. The Camera can be moved directly, or used with the FollowCamera to follow an Entity in a game Scene.

PIXI Components

Commonly used rendering Components, to display shapes and text.

  • TextDisp
  • RenderCircle
  • RenderRect
  • RenderPoly


Screenshake System and Component. The ScreenShaker WorldSystem must be added to a Scene for it to work. Create a ScreenShake instance on an Entity to trigger it.


Custom loader for Tiled exported maps. This class can only open map exported with the JSON type.


Timer used to schedule events, controlled by the ECS. All subscribed Observers to the onTrigger event will be notified when the timer is complete. A TimerSystem must be added to a Scene for the timer to function.

Debugging and Utilities

A Diagnostics Entity has been provided that will display useful information about the FPS on the canvas.

The Util and MathUtil classes provide useful helper functions that are commonly used when dealing with objects in a 2D space.

Log is a custom logger with multiple logging levels that can be enabled or disabled with the Log.logLevel property.

Physics and Collision Detection

There are two libraries that can be used for collision detection. Detect, which can be used as a pure collision detection library (no physics!) and Matter, which is a wrapper for the Matter.js physics engine.

Both of these libraries make use of the CollisionMatrix class, which allows layers and collision rules to be created. By default, no layers can collide at all.


To use this system, a DetectCollisionSystem must be added to the active Scene.

In order to register for collisions, Entities must add one of the various DetectCollider Components (CircleCollider, PointCollider, RectCollider, PolyCollider). If the isTrigger flag is set for a DetectCollider, collider overlaps will be permitted by the system. Otherwise, colliders will be treated as solid objects that cannot occupy the same space. If overlap of colliders occurs, the engine will attempt to separate them. The DetectCollider type has multiple Observable members that are triggered for different types of collision events. These can be subscribed to by any Observer.

  • onCollision/onTrigger: Triggered on any collision frame. For continuous collisions, this will be triggered on every single frame.
  • onCollisionEnter/onTriggerEnter: Triggered on the first collision frame.
  • onCollisionExit/onTriggerExit: Triggered one frame after the last collision frame.

If an Entity has a DetectCollider on it, it should not be moved by directly modifying the transform position. This could cause the Entity to desynchronize from the Detect engine. Instead, a DetectRigidbody should be added to the Entity which contains move functions for direct movement, as well as physics functions for dealing with forces.


To use this system, a MatterEngine must be added to the active Scene. This engine can only be used as a physics engine

Entities must have a MCollider Component on them to be registered by the engine. As with the Detect module, a Matter controlled Entity should not be moved with transform modification. Instead, use Matter.Body.* methods such as applyForce on the Body instance contained by the MCollider.


MIT © Peter Mandile


2 months ago


1 year ago